Earn money by recommending us

You can earn 10% of the client’s total investment!

SocialPubli is the leading and international platform that connects brands to influencers. We have over 300.000 registered influencers of different categories, ages, social networks, and number of followers. We work with the most recognized brands worldwide.

Collaboration is one of our key pillars to work with brands and clients from different sectors, products, or services, and we will always recommend you to be their influencer.

If a brand contacts you or you bring a new client to us and we carry out all the management of the campaign, you will receive 10% of the campaign cost once we have closed the agreement. We will also recommend you to be the brand’s influencer.

How does it work?

First, a brand contacts you for a collaboration.

Then, you ask them if they are interested in having more influencers like yourself in their campaigns. If the answer is yes, send us their contact and their briefing.

We will get in contact with them and make a commercial proposal. If they are interested in you, you will earn 10% of the total cost of the campaign plus your collaboration.

The brand offers you $300 for a communication action.

We get in touch with the brand and make a commercial proposal, for example, $5000.

You would earn 800$
300$ for your collaboration + 10% of the commercial proposal!

You accept the offer and recommend working with SocialPubli. You send us their contact and the briefing.

The brand agrees to work with us and with you.

Steps to follow

It is very easy, write info@socialpubli.com, add in the subject: New client, and our team will reach out to you happy to help you.

Have we convinced you?

If you are not yet an influencer on SocialPubli, register today, show your potential on social networks, and monetize your content.