Discover the best influencers to collaborate with

SocialPubli Discover conducts an exhaustive search for the best influencers through advanced data and algorithms. Our unique platform identifies the most relevant influencers in your industry, taking into account their most pertinent data in a specific manner.

Get personalized and detailed recommendations on the most effective collaborations! This ensures that your message reaches your key audience authentically and impactfully.

Influencer data you can filter with SocialPubli Discover

Add the influencers who align best with your strategies to your favorites list and start collaborating with them!

You can filter influencers based on:

  • Countries
  • Keywords (sectors, type of content, niches…)
  • Language
  • Social network: Instagram, Youtube and TikTok
  • Number of followers

Perform a more precise search:

Furthermore, you can apply advanced filters that better highlight the type of profile you’re interested in:

  • Engagement rate or average quality
  • Average interactions or estimated reach
  • Hashtags or keywords used in their posts
  • Gender and age
  • Similar influencers you already know
  • Type of account on a social network (personal, corporate…)
  • Followers and community (age, location…)