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LinkedIn Influencer Marketing Campaigns for your business


B2B is essential when it comes to fostering personal and business relationships focused on the professional sphere. These are important for generating beneficial opportunities for your brand. That's why at SocialPubli, we don't have to forget this type of marketing and we develop LinkedIn Influencer Campaigns centered around this objective.

The ideal social network for these situations is LinkedIn. From there you can work with influencers to promote and enhance your business, as well as create new ties with your target audience and potential clients.

On this social network you can develop LinkedIn Influencers Marketing campaigns with distinct profiles of influencers: microinfluencers, ambassadors, businesses, media, etc. who are related to the interests of your target audience.

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If you want more information download our guide about LinkedIn Campaigns here:

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    Publicidad en linkedin con influencers

    How do you create LinkedIn influencers Campaigns?

    As you will already know if you've worked with us previously, at SocialPubli, we simplify the process so that your experience as an advertiser with us is simple and optimal at the same time.

    Creating a LinkedIn campaign on SocialPubli is very simple. Our tool is intuitive and working with it will be very easy. Once you are registered as an advertiser, you'll be able to add funds that will be directed to Influencer Marketing Campaigns through credit card, bank transfer, or PayPal.

    The next step is to create a campaign from your advertiser panel, and it's just as simple as the previous step. In this case, you'll have to fill out the form with all the necessary details so that the influencers with whom we work with on LinkedIn can follow your instructions.

    You have the option to add the following: the name of the campaign, description, the message that you want influencers to publish, hashtags, a link, word, or key phrase that the text must contain, in the case that you want to give influencers the freedom to compose their own message.

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    In this sense, the most specific you are with respect to the conditions of the campaign, the content that you want the influencers to publish, the main message of the publication, the target to which the action is directed, the profile of the influencer, and everything aforementioned, the better your LinkedIn Influencer Campaign results will be.

    If you opt to give liberty to influencers to compose the message themselves, don't worry about its contents, since at SocialPubli we are committed to brand safety and all the messages which influencers send to participate in your campaigns will need your approval and you'll be able to moderate them before they are published. This means that as an advertiser, you will always have control over the publications and you'll be able to request changes if you don't consider the content adequate or in line with the message that you wanted to send in the first place.

    The process doesn't end here. We want you to be conscious at every moment of the evolution of the LinkedIn campaign, as well as the results once it ends. Therefore, during the campaign and its finalization, you'll have a complete report with which you can measure the success of the LinkedIn Influencer Marketing Campaigns that you launch with SocialPubli.

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