What to Upload on Instagram to Get Likes
If we were already talking about how to win followers on Instagram, and we want to continue down that path to success, then we have to stay up to date with what’s going on today. It’s important to continue to pay attention to the latest trends and to be aware of what to upload on […]
Microinfluencers: this is how you can earn money with your social networks
Although many people may think otherwise, being a micro-influencer requires a lot of work and dedication. It’s a part of you that’s active 24 hours a day, looking for new opportunities and new ideas. And when you find them, you have to work to bring them to life and make them special. You have to […]
Instagram news: connection times and notification of screenshots
Instagram never stops adding new features to its application. As we already told you a few weeks ago, Instagram has been planning to introduce screenshot notifications and notifications of the last connection time. Both functions are controversial because they diminish the privacy of the user. So let’s look at the latest news from Instagram! Last […]