hora de conexion instagram

Instagram news: connection times and notification of screenshots

Instagram never stops adding new features to its application. As we already told you a few weeks ago, Instagram has been planning to introduce screenshot notifications and notifications of the last connection time.  Both functions are controversial because they diminish the privacy of the user. So let’s look at the latest news from Instagram!

Last connection

One thing already now in use on Instagram is notification of the last connection.  Instagram would have been inspired by WhatsApp when including this functionality. This new feature is undoubtedly something which will generate controversy among users, as it diminishes the privacy of the Instagrammers. Luckily, the user has the option to disable this on their profile. In that way, they would prevent others from seeing their last connection time, including even themselves!

If you don’t like this new Instagram feature, and you want to know how to disable it, go to your settings and de-select the option “Show activity status”. We’ll explain this to you in detail in our Instagram account, using a carousel of images:

Screenshot notification.

The most striking feature of Snapchat is now part of Instagram stories. It will no longer be as easy to take screenshots of the Insta-stories of other Instagrammers and discuss them with our friends. Gossip-time is over. The positive side of this is that we will now know who is making screenshots of our stories. Now, the first time a screenshot of a user is taken, Instagram will notify us and advise that the next time they will notify the victim of your screenshot, through a notification.

It is clear that Instagram never stops working to implement new features, some more successful than others.

What do you think about how Instagram is progressing? Are you going to disable your last Instagram Connection?

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