
Microinfluencers: this is how you can earn money with your social networks

Although many people may think otherwise, being a micro-influencer requires a lot of work and dedication. It’s a part of you that’s active 24 hours a day, looking for new opportunities and new ideas. And when you find them, you have to work to bring them to life and make them special.

You have to try a number of attempts, have quality material, get a perfect picture for the camera, think about how you want to express your message … There’s a lot of work behind a photograph or a post, and it makes sense that the content be remunerated.

To help you, we’ ve put together a couple of ideas so you can get paid for your dedication as a micro-influencer.



After doing so many campaigns together with micro-influencers, we have discovered that micro-influencers have many gifts! Some of you can improvise rap music from nothing, others have a sixth sense of how to combine colors, and other are Photoshop experts. With Fiverr you can offer your microservices for $5 dollars.

Do you know how to draw cartoons? Do you have a beautiful voice? You can offer your skills to congratulate someone on their birthday on the other side of the world. At the end of your service, they will score you, which will help you (or not) to get more jobs.

Take a look at their categories, to see if you can think of any services you can offer.  


Sell ​​your pictures

We have seen impeccable Instagram profiles. If you are interested in photography, your profile can be your presentation portfolio for potential buyers. You don’t have to have thousands of followers, only dedication and quality.

In addition to Flickr, we have selected several websites that can help you sell your photographs.

  • Snapwire – On this website, you can upload your creations.  But the most interesting thing is that companies can use it to make requests. They describe the style, what they want, and other characteristics, and the photographers make their proposal.
  • MobilePrints – Choose how much you want your creations to cost, which can be adjusted for mobile covers, cushions or simple pictures.
  • Twenty20 – The page is intended as an alternative to the typical stock images of businessmen talking on the phone or women laughing and eating salad. Thanks to the content of users, they can now contribute  with greater authenticity and maintain professionalism.  



On our platform, we act as the bridge between advertisers and influencers. Brands create advertising campaigns, choose the profile of the micro-influencer that interests them, and the micro-influencers respond if they believe in the advertiser’s products.

Sometimes the campaigns are retweet campaigns, others are videos for Instagram, or the advertiser may send their product to you to comment on in your blog. And do you know the best part? It’s that #TodosSomosInfluencers (#WeAreAllInfluencers).

Even if you don’t reach as many people as Cristiano Ronaldo (yet), we know that you bring more authenticity and better interaction. If you want to earn money by publishing on your social networks, all you have to do is register on our micro-influencers page, link your networks, and we’ll start sending you campaigns to participate in.


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