How to hide an accidental LIKE on Instagram
It’s happened to all of us. You were gossiping about the profile of your ex and your finger accidentally touched the little heart in a photo on the beach in the summer of 2016. Or someone thought that to zoom in you used the double click. DISASTER STRIKES! The moment of panic that follows is […]
What Tinder teaches us about Influencer Marketing
What does Tinder have to do with Influencer Marketing? More than you think … just use a little imagination. First, it has replaced other traditional media, and often ends up working better than they do, the same way that influencer marketing does. But it’s not only that, because Tinder can also teach us marketing lessons […]
Twitch Plays: Exclusive Twitch video games
It’s just like the name says: “Twitch plays”’. Twitch users, collectively, play these games that are being broadcast on Twitch’s live stream. It all started with “Twitch Plays Pokémon”, a social experience that revolutionized the platform. In a live Pokémon Red stream, the users were the ones who controlled the character. In the chat they […]