How to delete an Instagram account?

Today we are going to explain how to delete an Instagram account or disable it temporarily. It doesn’t matter if the reason you decide to delete your profile from this popular social network is because you want to create a new account, because you don’t have time to dedicate it to the platform, or because […]
Could the powerful ChatGPT represent the end for Google?

ChatGPT is a chat system based on the GPT-3 Artificial Intelligence language model, developed by the OpenAI company. This model with more than 175 million parameters, and trained with large amounts of text, could mean the beginning of the end for Google, the search engine par excellence until now. This advanced ChatGPT has been trained […]
Mastodon – the Social Network that challenges Twitter

Since Elon Musk became the CEO of Twitter – last April 2022 – he has made some changes that users do not necessarily like, so that some of them have already begun to look for other alternatives such as Mastodon, the social network that this 2023 promises to challenges and unseat the blue bird social […]