How to ad music to Instagram story?

Instagram is one of the most complete apps at the moment. You can enjoy while scrolling short videos (reels), pictures from your favorite accounts and more recently even tweets (threads). Meta is always innovation and adding new features to maintain their users happy. Music is also really present in the app, having lots of viral […]
How do you download a video from a tweet?

You’re scrolling on Twitter and see a video, a funny video you want to save or a reaction clip you just have to show your friend. If it’s an image, it’s easy to screenshot or download. Sadly, saving videos isn’t that simple. As you might know recently Elon Musk’s rebranding of Twitter as “X” began […]
How to unlink Facebook and Instagram?

You need to unlink your Instagram account from Facebook? Congratulations, you are in the right article. Since acquiring Instagram in 2012, Facebook has improved cross-app functionality for businesses and creators. Because of that it is becoming easier for admins to manage the two social networks in one place. Why should you link Instagram and […]
How to get followers on TikTok?

Right now TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media apps. Short-form video has become very popular in the past years, winning over long formats such as Youtube. As well the algorithm helps new creators to grow and gives them opportunities to go viral. However, even when TikTok is the fastest-growing social media apps you […]