how to get more followers on tiktok

How to get followers on TikTok?

Right now TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media apps. Short-form video has become very popular in the past years, winning over long formats such as Youtube. As well the algorithm helps new creators to grow and gives them opportunities to go viral.

However, even when TikTok is the fastest-growing social media apps you still need the help of some good old fashioned TikTok marketing. But how to get more followers on TikTok? No, worries in this article we are going to give you the ultimate tips to grow your followers and maximize your viral potential.

1. Choose your target audience.

The first step to focus your strategy in growing your account is to make sure you know who to target with your content and that you’re creating content that your target audience will enjoy, engage and share. 

First, you should ask yourself what type of people will like your content and what kind of content you will be posting. You can get some inspiration watching trends, other “competitors” or just simply people that you like the type of videos they are uploading. Once it is all set you can start to create your own videos with your own ideas.

Keep in mind that it’s all trial and error, especially with new content and trying to get viral in an app like TikTok. You can try a million different types of videos before you find the one that really resonates with your audience.

2. Pay attention to trends

Trends are a big thing on TikTok. If you’ve consumed Tiktok frequently you probably have noticed that some videos follow very similar outlines or use the same sound clip. This is because that type of video, audio or quote is trending. Try to create a similar video that makes sense for your business and take advantage of these TikTok trends.

The best way to discover popular trends is to consume a lot of TikTok content and spend hours looking through videos. Look for trends, challenges and popular sounds that you can use within your own content.


Adding popular sounds in your TikTok videos to help grab attention right from the jump. There are different music clips, songs and random audio clips that get reused for similar types of videos again and again, and using these can help your video’s overall performance.

how to get tiktok followers


Also read: How many followers do you need on TikTok to get paid?

One of the best ways to know which sound clips are trending is to consistently consume TikTok content as well as pay attention to what popular TikTokers and other brands are sharing. See if you can discover ways to incorporate popular songs into your own content to engage your audience and to gain followers on tiktok. 


Keep an eye on which challenges are trending on Tiktok, from dances to comedy videos, a really good way to grow on Tiktok is using the actual viral challenge and transforming it for your brand. The beautiful thing about challenges is that you can see different perspectives of things just by scrolling on the platform and see how each creator makes the challenge his own. 

4. Include the right hashtags

Just like on Instagram, Twitter and many other social media platforms, TikTok hashtags help users find your content. But it’s important to make sure you’re using the right hashtags.

Something we see in many videos that creators do is using the same hashtags in their captions. However, please don’t do this unless those hashtags are actually relevant and have something in common in what you are posting. Otherwise, it will only harm your content and your video.

how to get 1000 followers on tiktok


Also a little tip: You should never use more than 3-4 hashtags in each video. 

What do you have to do then? Easy, start typing in relevant hashtags when creating your caption and use the most popular ones that are related to your content. And don’t forget to include the ever-popular #fyp or #foryou hashtags. While the effect of these hashtags on placement hasn’t been confirmed, their popular use in the platform by millions of users can still expand the reach of your content to start gaining your first 1000 followers on tiktok.

5. Publish TikTok videos at the right times

Posting at the right time and hours it’s important to find the best time to post on TikTok and around what time your audience is more active on Tiktok in order to see the most reach on your videos. You can find all of this information in your profile and check out your TikTok analytics.

If you tap in Followers, and scroll down to find Follower activity, you’ll be able to look at what days and times your followers are most active. Our recommendation is to publish your posts just before the most popular time of that day in order to see the highest reach.

It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on when you’ve published content so you can test different times and check which one works better for you.

how to gain followers on tiktok
Also read: How to stream on TikTok

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