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Gamers and the eSports sectorhave been established in our lives for a while now. this doesn't mean that there are no more projections for this field, since its a sector that never stops changing and growing. And it's precisely these players who, having a huge community behind them, can give a big boost to your brand with Twitch Influencer Marketing.

At SocialPubli we're aware of the power that gamers have and that's why we work on Influencer campaigns with those profiles through the social network Twitch.

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If you want more information, download our guide about Twitch Campaigns with influencers here:

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    But before you see how to launch these Streamer Marketing campaigns, it's handy to know the advantages of this social network. Twitch has become the biggest video game streaming platform in the world.

    Although at first, it was mostly used for videogames, it now has the advantage of hosting a greater variety of content with each passing day. This opens up space for more brands to find a home on this social network.

    How to run an Influencer Marketing Campaign on Twitch

    If you've already launched influencers campaigns with SocialPubli, you'll know that we simplify every process as much as possible so that you can develop commercial actions with influencers in a simple but very effective way.

    The process of creating campaigns for a Twitch Influencer Strategy on Twitch with SocialPubli is super easy. So easy, that we'll be the ones to take care of the entire process. Twitch is a social network on which we don't work in an automated way, but we opt to personalize actions and adapt them to your business. But don't worry, you'll always have control and the last say.

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    That's why, the first thing you should do is contact our commercial team and tell them your ideas. That way, our creative team will be able to adapt your briefing to the characteristics of Twitch and the influencers that employ this medium to connect with their audience.

    On this social network we propose various ideas. For example, a competition between influencers in which your product is the main feature, personalized dynamics with Twitch influencers (gamers, streamers) in their live broadcasts who show your product and talk about its advantages.

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    One of the most interesting proposals of Twitch Marketing with Influencers that we can create for you will have actions across multiple channels: these influencers aren't only on Twitch, but a big part of their audience follows them on all social networks that share content. This way we'll be able to propose that you amplify your message on many other platforms, Twitch being, in this case, always the principal one.

    There are many more possibilities, but when it's time to work with influencers, these are the ones who've demonstrated to have the most effect. Once we have a proposal for your brand, our commercial team will send it to you.

    Everything is subject to modifications. As we've told you, you have the last word and we'll make all the necessary changes to adapt everything 100% to your Twitch Influencer Marketing Strategy.

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    When we get the final approval, the Twitch Campaign will start. We'll search for the ideal influencers for your brand, we'll contact them and they'll tell us the idea for the content that they'll carry out on their profiles.

    But it doesn't end there. For SocialPubli it's vital that you can see how your campaign is going at every moment and what results you've obtained once it ends. That's why, we offer a complete report in which you'll be able to check the success of the the Twitch Marketing Campaigns that you launch with us.

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