How much would you earn with your social networks?

Have you ever wondered how much would you make if you were an influencer? Everybody has accounts on different social networks, both those who grew up with them and those who saw them become a reality, and thus have had to adapt to this new era. In the end, no matter what generation you belong to, most […]

Colours and their meaning on social media

Colores en social media

Colours have meanings, we all know this. Depending on it they cause different reactions, and this is something brands make use of as they integrate colours on their strategies: they transmit an image, a personality and a message. In social networks especially, colours are an efficient tool to reach users, arouse feelings and make them go […]


Results Sell on social media with the best influencers Book a meeting now What is Influencer Marketing to Results? Create campaigns to sell with influencer content At SocialPubli we have the best system for carrying out actions aimed at conversions. This is Influencer Marketing to Results, an effective strategy with which you will only pay […]


Discover Discover the best influencers for your brand Try it free! Discover the best influencers to collaborate with SocialPubli Discover conducts an exhaustive search for the best influencers through advanced data and algorithms. Our unique platform identifies the most relevant influencers in your industry, taking into account their most pertinent data in a specific manner. […]

Top 5 travel influencer for your campaigns

Digital tourism has revolutionized the way brands connect with their audiences. Travel influencers, with their ability to inspire and communicate, have become key to the success of marketing campaigns. At SocialPubli, we introduce you to the most engaging travel influencers of 2024, perfect for taking your brand to new destinations. Top Travel Influencers of 2024 […]

How to create brand positioning?

In the influencer market, brand positioning is critical to stand out in a competitive landscape and connect with your audience in a meaningful way. An effective positioning strategy not only helps you differentiate yourself from the competition, but also allows you to establish a clear and memorable identity in the minds of consumers. What is […]

Influencer and neuromarketing, How to apply it?

neuromarketing services

What is neuromarketing? Neuromarketing is the study of how people’s brains respond to adverts and other brand messages by scientifically monitoring brainwave activity, eye tracking and skin response. These neuromarketing techniques are used to study the brain of the customers to predict their decision making behavior. Marketers physiological signals to gain insight into customers motivations, […]

Pain points: What are they?

pain point marketing

In today’s blog we are going to talk about pain points and how you can solve them, and how it affects influencers. What is the meaning of pain point? Is a persistent or recurring problem (as with a product or service) that frequently inconveniences or annoys customers, in our case influencers. Also we will see […]

How to create a brand?

Building a brand from start to finish is a difficult task full of challenges and doubts and this process takes time, money, and lots of research.But not only this is important but a great business idea or innovative product means nothing if you can’t communicate it to the world specifically in a way that your […]