Do you know Twitch?

The digital world is advancing at an incredible speed. Nowadays the concept of leisure has changed as well as the way of working. Can you imagine earning money while enjoying your hobby? Stop imagining and get to know Twitch, a live streaming platform, that is to say an online site where you can share your […]

What is Tik Tok?

Year after year we see how the use and consumption of apps and social networks changes and in 2018 the app that has had the greatest growth in terms of use has been Tik Tok, a new platform that since 2017 has captivated different markets such as China or the United States, and has become […]

Advantages of Instagram for companies

perfil empresa instagram

There are already more than 25 million accounts in Instagram that take advantage of having a company profile. Although one of the most common Instagram myths is that the Instagram algorithm harms you, as happens on Facebook, we can assure you that a company profile brings many good things. At least 5. How to create […]

How to create your own stickers for Instagram Stories

verificar cuenta giphy

To create your own stickers for Instagram Stories you will have to upload several backgroundless GIFs to Giphy and contact them, a process that we will explain in detail. Once you get a verified account and have uploaded content, you will be able to use your own GIFs in Instagram Stories and add a unique […]

What are NanoInfluencers?

DETALLES DE ADJUNTOS  nanoinfluencers.jpg 5 diciembre, 2018 68 KB 750 × 500 Editar imagen Borrar permanentemente URL Título

What are NanoInfluencers? We’ve been talking for a long time about microinfluencers and how great they are, but lately there’s a distinction within them, the nanoinfluencers, with less than 1,000 followers. Do we see how they can help in an influencer marketing strategy? Who are nanoinfluencers? Nanoinfluencers are normal people with a follower base of […]