perfil empresa instagram

Advantages of Instagram for companies

There are already more than 25 million accounts in Instagram that take advantage of having a company profile. Although one of the most common Instagram myths is that the Instagram algorithm harms you, as happens on Facebook, we can assure you that a company profile brings many good things. At least 5.

How to create an Instagram Business account

To create a company Instagram account, the first thing to do is to access your personal Instagram profile.

The following steps are very easy, you just have to go to the settings wheel where you will see the different configuration options, scroll down and select “Change to company profile“.

Once the profile has been created you will need to include a telephone number, an email address and the location so that customers can contact you directly from a profile button.

And link to your Facebook Fan Page. And that’s it!

How to use Instagram for Business

Using Instagram is a way to humanize your brand.

Once you have followed the first steps you must write your biography, experiment with statistics and see what is the best time to publish, the target you are targeting, the most relevant hashtags and other options to take into account. On the other hand, you must be clear about the objective you want to achieve with your company profile.

You must learn to measure the results to optimize your strategy, create publications according to your audience and their interest and get that your profile is relevant in the social network.

5 benefits of Instagram for companies

1 – Instagram Insights

The main advantage of having a company account is that you have access to detailed statistics about your publications and audience.

In each publication you can see data such as the number of impressions, where they come from, how many people have sent it or saved it in their collection… This can help you see trends and interests, as well as check how hashtags work.

In addition, you also have available statistics of your profile, such as the number of visits, clicks on the link and buttons, suggestions of when to publish, or demographics of your followers.

As for stories, you can also see the different interactions and navigation data of the users. That is, how many have given next story or the number of dropouts.

Pro tip: Remember that you will only have statistics available from the moment you change to company profile.

2 – Add information about your company in Instagram

You can use it to put a link, description, your address, email and phone number. In fact, you can add them as buttons to make it quick and easy to contact your business or know how to go.

As in the previous point, you can see how many people have clicked on each button. And if a single link falls short, you can use the tool, as we have in our Instagram.

3 – Put links in Stories of Instagram Companies

If you have more than 10,000 followers and a company account, you can add links to your stories.

Before, the possibility of attracting traffic to your website was very limited (there was only one link in the profile), but now it is possible to change it and accompany it with an attractive story that incites the click (or to slide up).

This comes in handy when it comes to directing pages to buy products or to highlight the latest blog post, for example.

4 – Advertising in Instagram Empresas

We are more than the authenticity of influencers, but with a company account you can also start promoting your posts and get out between the ads, both in the feed and in stories.

5 – Instagram Shopping for companies

Instagram allows some companies to tag their products in publications. Thus, users can see how much it’s worth, a description, and access the store link.

In addition to being able to add up to 5 per photo (or 20 if it’s a series), users can also directly browse the added products from the company profile.

In conclusion, a commercial account in Instagram allows you to collect many useful insights for your business, as well as more commercial tools, such as contact, links or even label your products.

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