Must have: Apps that will help you with your Instagram profile

Instagram is the queen social network of influencers. It is still the favorite for brands and advertisers and that is why it is important to take care of all the details on this social network. And the best allies to have everything perfectly worked on our profile are mobile apps that will help us in […]
How to appear in “for you” on TikTok and other tricks

Tik Tok was already considered as the trending app at the end of 2019, and when we thought It couldn’t get any better, the quarantine arrived. The confinement came to show us that this app has no limits and that is a perfect entertainment tool when we have nothing to do. Inside of this app there […]
How to optimize your Instagram’s profile

Social networks have become one of the most effective ways to earn money. They are for many people around the world their business, and their everyday life. Social network effectiveness has been proven, and if there is a social network that reigns in the influencer world it is Instagram. That is why in this blog […]
6 Challenges for Video Game Influencers

Do your followers get tired of gameplays? These 6 challenges will delight all video game influencers and will give life to their YouTube channels and social media networks. Shall we take a look? 1 – Try not to Scream This one is a classic in the gamer community. While other youtubers are watching videos and […]