redes sociales 2017


As we have seen, social networks never stop evolving.  In 2016, they went through various phases and we saw the introduction of a number of changes.

But, what will they offer us this year?

Content with an Expiration Date

A few years ago, Snapchat started the boom of sending photos and texts which disappear within a few seconds. Now, more and more social networks are betting on this format.

If in 2016 Instagram threw itself into this with their Instagram Stories, following the lead of Snapchat, will another social network join the trend this year?

Brands are increasing their bets on this format to launch their campaigns using these networks.

Mobile-Friendly Content

We spend most of our time with our smartphone in our hand, so mobile-friendly versions and optimized apps are the order of the day. Social networks are increasingly betting on versions adapted to mobile where users can easily find the content they are looking for.

Content adapted for mobile will also be a fundamental ranking point for Google, which is working on an index which will take into account the optimization of pages for mobile.

More Personalization

Social networks are generating ever more money with ads.   Their objective?  These ads have to reach a public which is much more segmented and at exactly the right moment to achieve increased sales.

If what we want is to improve our profile and our sales, then content and interactive campaigns are the keys to attracting the attention of consumers.

A Bet on Chatbots

Everyone has certainly heard of Siri or Cortana, but in 2017 these voice-activated help systems are not going to be limited to just questioning our phones.

The social networks are preparing new chatbots so we can interact with social networks using only our voice.

More and More in Real Time

We like to know what is happening in real time and from any location.  Live broadcasts are the strong point of social networks.  Thanks to these, there is a close interaction with the user.

We know that social networks like YouTube are working on direct streaming, but what new things are the other networks going to offer us?


We still have over 300 days ahead of us to see what the social networks will surprise us with in 2017.

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