
#TogetherWeAreStronger, SocialPubli spreads the WHO message

A few days ago, we started to encourage our followers on SocialPubli’s social networks to stay home, following the government’s messages and the recommendations of the World Health Organization. We tried to remind our followers of the importance of following the advice and recommendations in order to stop this coronavirus crisis that has attacked the whole world


Later, with the virus more spread over (almost) all countries in the world, the World Health Organization reinforced the idea that all countries’ governments were already transferring to the rest of the population; in order to stop the virus, people should stay home, and improve the recommended hygiene measures such as washiong hands and avoiding unnecessary movements outside the house. 

To reach the maximum possible population and spread this message on social networks, they started using the hashtag #TogetherWeAreStronger.

They encouraged people to use this label to spread the message and raise awareness around the world.

With this message, they asked the population for their collaboration. They were also trying to make the following idea stronger: although we think that only health personnel can help in this crisis with their medical knowledge, with “unity and common responsibility”, we can all help fight and end the coronavirus.

How SocialPubli is collaborating with the WHO

Seeing this campaign, from both the WHO and the governments, at SocialPubli we decided to help to spread the message. We thought about how we could contribute our bit. 

And there is no better way to do it than through the medium that we dominate best: social networks.

So, we got to work and developed a filter for Instagram called StopCOVID19.

When using it, we see that the STOP Coronavirus message appears on our head. With this, we try to encourage our followers to tell us what they are doing these days to stop the coronavirus. We’re trying to collaborate with the WHO by spreading their message on Instagram. 

And when doing so, they also use the official hashtag of WHO and governments, #TogetherWeAreStronger, to continue spreading this important message.

To find it, you can do it through this link (if you are reading this message from your mobile, your Instagram will open directly) or by searching for it in our account @socialpubli_esp.

You can now use it, remember to add the hashtag #TogetherWeAreStronger. And tell us what you are doing to stop the virus, share some tips to make quarantine more enjoyable. @Mention us (@socialpubli), challenge your friends to use it too and we will share your story on our profile.

Remember… #TogetherWeAreStronger… what are you doing to stop this virus?

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