Como optimizar tu página de Facebook

How to optimize your Facebook profile

One of the key factors when growing on social networks is having an optimized profile. In previous posts we have explained how to have a stellar profile on Instagram and Twitter. Today we will show you how to optimize your Facebook page.

For a company, Facebook can have many advantages and offer many options. It is the perfect social network to establish a direct connection with your audience, as well as to do marketing, since customers can leave recommendations and it serves to humanize the brand.

Having these concepts clear, let’s see how you can optimize your Facebook page. It is super simple.

Make your audience know you

The first thing you should do is get your page to talk about you. And here, the basic points are: use your brand’s logo in good quality as a profile photo: make it look good and there is no doubt that it is you. If it is a personal brand, choose a professional photograph, in which you look good and has a good quality. You should also choose a good cover photo.

At this point, you should know that Facebook takes photo optimization very seriously, so the algorithm will be more sympathetic to you the more optimized the images are. To do this, the profile photo must be 160 × 160 px and the cover photo 851 × 315 px. Also, keep in mind that some mobiles cut the cover photo on the sides, so we advise you to put the essential information in the center.

You may want to add a Call To Action (CTA). This is done by adding a button that is convenient to go to your online store, your website, or your blog.

The information section is very important. It is important to distinguish between the name of the page and the name of the user. The user will be the one that appears in the URL. You must review it and adapt it to each business.

Within the information, you can add the history of your business. It is a very important section to humanize the brand. If you put your audience in context and make them see that there is someone behind the page, they will be more likely to follow you and become potential customers.

Less visible changes

Facebook has many options that will help your page grow without necessarily making visible changes. For example, messages.

You must activate an auto-reply message and schedule it for the hours you are “out of the office.” Notifying the followers who write to you that you will reply as soon as possible. You can do it in the messages section> schedule messages> automatic response> sending time. There you can select the hours.

Strategies to grow on Facebook

There are strategies that you must follow to have the page well optimized. On your page you must do Branding, that is, reinforce the brand image in your publications. Both through the use of your logo, as well as publishing a phrase or message that has to do with the spirit of the company.

You should also encourage participation within your audience through publications that include games and that encourage users to comment and react. This is an important aspect, since Facebook values ​​the publications through reactions and users, that, instead of liking it, indicate that something amazes them. This will make your profile improve.

Lastly: network. You can do it in many ways. On the one hand, tag people who may find the publication interesting or who have to do with the content, since the post will appear on their wall. But do not abuse this technique, do it once a month, at most. Another option is to participate in groups that have to do with your company.



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