One of the most important things in recent years on Instagram has been getting as many followers as possible to see your posts. In this regard, it is convenient to know what the best time is to post content on Instagram. Although it depends on an algorithm, there are many ways to get your content across your followers. One of these factors is the time of publication.
Get to know your audience
If you want to take advantage of your social networks, the first thing you should do is switching your account to business profile, in order to get account statistics.
Once you have set up your account into business mode, you will be able to access the statistics of your account and see which days your publications reach more people and get more interactions. This can give you a general overlook on when your community is most active and when you can reach a higher engagement rate.
One of the key factors in the Instagram algorithm is engagement. For this reason, it is important to know the best time to post on Instagram.
Best hours to post on Instagram
Every audience is indeed different, and they may have certain peculiarities that define them. Some rules can help a lot in this matter. For this, you can rely on your daily routines.
Probably, when you go on your public transport, on your way to work, you have noticed that many people check their mobiles. Of all of those people, more than half are probably checking their social networks.
Therefore, perhaps posting in the morning could be a great idea since it is possible that those who spend a little time at breakfast checking Instagram or while they go to work, will see your post.
A survey done by Expert Voice confirms it. The survey includes five in the morning from Tuesday to Friday as the best hours to publish.
In this sense, you can also take advantage of the so-called “dead hours”. These refer to, for example, to the time after meals, when people tend to check their social media. Therefore, it is a good option to take advantage of the usual hours of rest from work to upload your content. So, when people take a break from work they can see what you have uploaded.
Beyond intuition
But if we want to get it right, it is best to trust the data. Many surveys have analyzed what is the best time to post content on social media. One of the most complete that we have chosen in SocialPubli, is the Sproutsocial survey, which shows the best hours to post on different days of the week through a complete graph.

According to this graph, the best time to post content is Friday at 9 am, with Friday being the best day to post. The analysis also shows that Wednesday and Thursday can also be good days to post. Saturdays and Sundays should be automatically removed from our mind as options to publish content, since these days the audience is very inactive.
This study indeed analyzes that, by sector, there are also more favorable hours and it is related to the time you should publish.
There are many ways to schedule your Instagram posts to make your life easier on social media.