From violence to influence: Donald trump’s Social Media impact after the shot

6:11 p.m., Trump was six minutes into the speech, looked to his right and looked at the board displaying immigration statistics. He was talking and, suddenly. 

“Pop pop. Pop pop pop.”

Trump didn’t finish the sentence, but someone else though he was sentenced. Several rounds of gunfire rang out at the rally site. Trump grabbed his ear and took a step back before throwing himself to the ground.

“Get on the ground!  Get on the ground!” one agent shouted at the former president. Five agents swarmed the stage and surrounded Trump. Twelve seconds later, a third round of gunfire echoed through the show grounds.

“Stand by.” “Move!” “Get up!” “Go, go, go.” Some agents shouted short orders in succession as they stood over Trump. Others in combat gear and long rifles entered the scene.

Forty-three seconds after the first shots were fired, the agents said the attacker was down.

“Are we clear?” one agent asked.

At this point we already know the story of the event which will appear in history books, just as it already does on social media platforms. 

In this article we will see the impact that this massive event has caused in the Trump campaign as well as its virality in networks and how his name has been searched and sounded all over the world.

donald trump

A scratch in the ear. An explosion on the net.

Since Trump’s campaign officially began on November 15, 2022 the Internet and social media, particularly Twitter and Facebook, have been identified as one of the factors that contributed to Donald Trump’s campaign also back in the elections of 2016. Social media plays a significant role in these elections expanding its influence as compared to the previous elections of 2008 and 2012, when Obama used them extensively, and which Trump used better than Hillary Clinton.

At the present moment Donald Trump uses Social Media daily he accumulates 25,7M followers on Instagram, 87.6M followers on X and 8.3M on TikTok. 


Since the incident occurred on July 14, trump has increased 180,000 followers on the social network and almost 400,000 in the last 30 days, clearly increasing his presence on the networks as we will see below.

Not only was Trump trending topic at X on the day of the incident, but he ranked #1 trending and reached a total of 531.4K tweets during the afternoon of July 14 and the following days.

The investigation is still ongoing as to how the incident could have occurred and why Trump’s security had not considered the meeting as dangerous, which is why to this day the media continues to echo the news.

Since he started his campaign in November 2022 as we can see in the chart although it has had moments of popularity in social media this event has crossed barriers being the most talked about in recent days in the media in the U.S. and the world.


Other related searches have led users to not only search for the latest news about the murder attempt but also out of curiosity for information about the alleged shooter, which is why, as we have been able to extract from google trends, users have been researching and doing their own research.

In the wake of the attempted murder of former President Donald Trump, the incident has significantly amplified the conversation surrounding him on social media and heightened his presence in the news. This surge in online discussions and media coverage reflects the profound impact of the event on public consciousness. Whether driven by shock, concern, or political discourse, the digital landscape has been abuzz with varying perspectives on the incident and its implications.

In a world where news travels faster than ever, this serves as a reminder of the power of media and social platforms in shaping our collective consciousness. As we navigate these turbulent times, the conversation surrounding this event will likely continue to influence public discourse and political dynamics in the foreseeable future.

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