how to negotiate with influencers

How to negotiate with influencers

Whenever we get a product or book a service, we look for information, reviews or opinions to decide on one brand or another. When we decide on the final purchase, we choose the brand that we trust the most. This is the way it has always worked. A few years ago, we asked for opinions from our friends or relatives. These days, Influencers are a powerful point of reference for our opinions. That’s why, as a brand, you must know how to negotiate effectively with Influencers and the guidelines for collaborating with various types of profiles.

If you want to reach your target audience and generate trust in your brand, pay attention to these tips on how to negotiate with Influencers and get them to collaborate with you. Arranging this type of agreement can be complicated, as there are many factors to consider in order for your marketing to be as successful as possible. That’s why at SocialPubli, we offer solutions to connect brands with Influencers without any extra effort, and we ensure that the whole process goes smoothly. We are an Influencer Agency with five years of experience and a wide portfolio of Influencers.

How to make a deal with an influencer

It’s very important to know how to negotiate with these personalities in order to start working with them. It is essential that you know how to choose the right profile adapted to your message and the target audience you want to reach. Another key aspect is communicating your brand’s values and how you would like them to convey information about your products and/or services.

1. Identify your target audience

Imagine that you are a new diet nutrition brand and your audience is interested in self-care and healthy eating. As a new company in the market, you need your target consumers to know this about you on social media. There are many influencers you could collaborate with, but how do you choose the right one? It’s very important to segment the profiles in order to know who they are targeting. It would be very frustrating to invest time and resources into an action and not obtain the desired results.

If you want people interested in nutrition to know about your products and ultimately buy them, you are not going to choose an influencer who talks about movies. You should choose a profile that is related to your products and brand philosophy. This will not only create a greater impact, but also build trust. At SocialPubli, we have a large database of profiles and years of experience to help you choose the ideal Influencer for your campaigns.

2. Communicate your values

Once you have chosen the ideal Influencer, it’s important to know how to communicate the benefits of your brand. It would be useless to recommend your products if people can’t see the benefits and results they offer. Your ad wouldn’t be convincing and the consumer would not put their trust in your recommendation. Continuing with our example, imagine an Influencer talks about a new vegetable drink you have launched, but he or she does not say what it tastes like. This wouldn’t make much sense and it’s possible that we would end up choosing another brand that is recommended to us.

Let the Influencer test the products and inform the audience about the specific qualities and benefits they bring. This way, you will get content which aligns with what you want to convey. No one knows your products better than you do.

3. Choose a good strategy

Social media influencers have become one of the most reliable online sources. In fact, according to our II Influencer Marketing Report, 89.2% of brands trust the effectiveness of influencers in their campaigns, up from 5.2% last year. However, not choosing the right marketing strategy could mean your campaigns become invisible.

Doing a giveaway is an excellent way to increase your number of followers. You can ask Influencers to post a picture on their Instagram feed with guidelines on how to participate and generate an own hashtag to make your brand known.

4. Review the content before it gets published

Finding the balance between letting the Influencer be creative and also making sure they communicate the message that you want doesn’t have to be a problem if you follow the previous steps. You should make sure that the content that will be published follows the guidelines and includes all of the elements that have been agreed upon.

5. Follow up on the campaigns

Last but not least, the analysis. How will you know if you have obtained the desired results if you do not follow up with the campaigns? Analysis is as important as any other step when working with Influencers. If the campaign has been very successful, you should consider making the influencers who participated brand ambassadors with whom you can collaborate with in the long term.


Now you know about the agreements a brand must make in order to work with Influencers and the many factors you must take into account. Engaging in an effective collaboration can have a negative impact on your brand image. Having the support of an Influencer agency throughout the process will give you the security you need to make your campaign a success.

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