It has happened again. It seems like it was yesterday when we waved last year goodbye and we are now on the countdown for the arrival of 2016. Time flies and we cannot stop it, only adapt to it and remember its nature.
At least today is easy to remember this, because we have all what we need so that we do not forget anything: video, audio, pictures, screenshots, memes, parodies… But above all we have our dearest social networks, that do not let the smallest detail go by, and register everything.
Therefore, another year has come to look back at what has been going on on the different platforms during 2015. We include the summaries that some of them have uploaded.
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A good tour around Twitter 2015 would start in the webpage that the social network has created exclusively for this. It gives you a view of the different sections of the site where you can find all what happened very neatly arranged. An example of this are the accounts of the people that have had most notoriety during the past year:
Or the profiles and messages with most retweets:
As well as the events that had a greatest impact throughout the year:
But these are just examples of what you can find of the blue bird’s website. If you want to dig deeper feel free to: there is a list with featured trends that shows from the most popular songs to the most used emojis.
Now is easier to have a good look around #YearOnTwitter, isn’t it?
The main network for picture sharing published the most popular moments and the images with more likes and comments.
There are two clear winners that alternate first and second place: Kendall Jenner and Taylor Swift had greatest success with their Instagram pictures. You have surely seen them already, but they are worth having a second look:
YouTube is the king of videos, so it is no surprise that the most awaited summary of the year is on its video #YouTubeRewind, which even features a Spanish youtuber. But it should not have been other way, should it?