Influencer campaigns during Black Friday

It’s been several years now since Black Friday arrived in Spain and its popularity just continues to grow. The tradition of Black Friday comes from the U.S. and is held the day after Thanksgiving. Black Friday is the last Friday in November and the day when Christmas shopping officially begins. Brands take advantage Black Friday […]
How to do “classy” clickbait

Clickbait is considered to be false advertising and bad. But, what if we were to use it with care? What if we used it properly, like a true English gentleman would. The purpose of clickbait is to attract attention and make people click. There is nothing wrong with describing content in an interesting way, in […] Nominated for “Top Digital Innovator” at the PortadaLat Awards

We could not be more pleased with our nomination for “Top Digital Innovator” at the PortadaLat Awards 2017, an event which brings together the top professionals in business and marketing. We need your vote to win and to continue growing and bringing you the best campaigns! The event, which is now in its 9th year, […]
Artificial Intelligence at Facebook and Google

We already told you to expect this in our post on Trends for 2017: large companies are putting their bets on artificial intelligence in their products, in order to improve the user experience. The big companies in Silicon Valley have their eye on the development of technologies that go far beyond what we have known […]
The top 5 celebrities’ Twitter accounts

We love Twitter, especially for gossiping about our favourite celebrities. They never stop surprising us posting pictures and writing whatever crosses their mind. And this helps us keep updated. But what are the most popular celebrities on Twitter? Let’s check out the top five! Katy Perry @katyperry The American singer has over 80 million followers […]
Digital generations

The Internet has been for several years already something we can no longer live without. It has changed the way we communicate and get informed, but it has also changed generations. The Internet does no longer discern generations by age. The various elements that make the distinction are social and political circumstances surrounding each person, […]
Marketing strategies for 2016

A month has already gone in 2016. If you had any doubt, the digital marketing is ever more essential to do a campaign for your business. In the following we explain some tips that you should not skip to become number one on the Internet. Create content Companies have to invest in a contents strategy […]