top digital innovator Nominated for “Top Digital Innovator” at the PortadaLat Awards

We could not be more pleased with our nomination for “Top Digital Innovator” at the PortadaLat Awards 2017, an event which brings together the top professionals in business and marketing.  We need your vote to win and to continue growing and bringing you the best campaigns!

The event, which is now in its 9th year, will take place next June 7th and 8th at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, in Miami.  Every year, PortadaLat brings together the leaders in marketing for Latin America and the United States, to exchange ideas and talk about the future of digital platforms.

For example, this year the speakers will include directors and experts from companies such as Hilton, Nestle, Pepsico, Trivago, Lenovo and Fox Sports.  On the first day, the subject will be how innovation technologies impact business and marketing, focusing on the travel and sports sectors.  The 8th of June will be our day, because the conference will focus on innovation in branding, and how Latin American companies remain relevant in industries which are undergoing constant change.

We want to take advantage of this recognition to thank all of the influencers and advertisers who have placed their trust in us and who use our platform.  We hope that thanks to this award we will continue expanding in Latin America and the U.S., where we have more than 15,000 influencers.  For our part, we will thank you by putting in our maximum effort to continue growing and bringing you the best campaigns.

In we can help anyone to earn money using their social networks.  For example, we can put a fashion company in contact with users who are interested in fashion, so they can publicize the company’s message and their products.

If you want to help us win, click on the link to vote, selecting us in the tab “Top Digital Innovator” and then click on “Cast your vote”.  You will have to put in your data, but don’t worry – you will not receive any advertising.  And that’s it!  You have until the 19th of May to vote.   On the 24th, the three finalists for each category will be announced.  We hope to bring you good new soon!

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