marketing 2016

Marketing strategies for 2016

marketing 2016

A month has already gone in 2016. If you had any doubt, the digital marketing is ever more essential to do a campaign for your business. In the following we explain some tips that you should not skip to become number one on the Internet.

Create content

Companies have to invest in a contents strategy focused on improving the user experience and consequently have greater chances of success.

The demand of content of quality will keep growing. If you do not have a blog yet, this is the time to create a corporate one. Remember that the topic must be based on the users’ needs. Find interesting or recent material. Do not just generate content selling or promoting your products.

Conversion, indispensable

We need that users make actions in our webpage or social networks. For this, we will launch competitions and actions that can be attractive for our publics.

With this the user will feel closer to the brand, so that he or she finally buys the product and becomes a loyal customer, which is our final goal.

SEO, ever more visual

That’s it. Did you know that SEO can be associated to your visual content? Images will have almost as much importance as keywords optimization. The secret is to learn to find the balance between the two.

Create interesting images, infographics and videos-they are much more visual attractive than text. The user will more likely prefer this kind of information and will stay longer in your webpage.

The mobile is key

We are becoming ever more dependent on mobiles: we take it everywhere and we take the opportunity of any free time we have to check what is going on our social networks. Make use of this new trend to implement your digital marketing strategy.

Mobile phones are the first screen for users. We must ensure that our content is easily accessible from these devices, both to read the information and to purchase something.

The influencers

They are key when planning your campaign. We need them to connect our brand to our digital audience. A lot of people see themselves reflected on influencers, so a positive opinion from them or just having them use our products may help us increase sales.

But beware! Not every influencer is useful for a brand. You have to find somebody who is keen on your values and that can represent your spirit to your followers.

Now you have the key, so make good use of them in your strategy.

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