Three tools to manage your social networks


We want to be up to date with the latest trends on the internet, have a strong presence, publish simultaneously in all our social networks… But how to prevent going mad? These management tools will make your life easier.

With them we can organise our work a lot better, analyse the results of our communication strategies and be more efficient in our messages.

There are many tools, but how do you choose the one that best suits your needs?

We will now talk about some of these and how you can use them. Find the solution that adapts best to your company’s needs.


hootsuite (1)

Hootsuite is a web app that you can use to publish simultaneous messages in up to 25 social networks. You can arrange them all in a start page, where they are divided into tabs. In order to publish something you just have to write a message and choose on which social networks you want to publish them and at what time.

It is also a great resource for social listening. On the main screen you have access to tweets, direct messages, sent messages, your publications… It is perfect for keeping up to date with everything that goes on in the web.

Moreover, it is a great tool to work. Several people can use it at the same time without needing to access each other’s accounts and passwords. Another advantage is that you can set different access levels, send internal messages and assign tasks to each person or company.


klout reducida

This web tool analyses, measures and tracks the influence of users in social networks and displays it on a scale from 1 to 100, where you can clearly see your influence and the competitors’.

Analyse all the interactions of a user or brand in a social network with the help of tweets, mentions or followers, for example.

What makes Klout different from other tools is that it takes into account all its social networks, so your statistics about influence will be a lot more authentic than with the other tools.

It also allows to manage and program your content.


buffer reducida

This is a key tool to program a message so that it publishes when the impact on your social networks will be higher.

It also suggests related contents so that you can publish them too. The best thing? You can use it both in your PC and mobile telephone thanks to the app. You can program up to 10 publications in advance.


Start using these management tools and see how it feels to tweet about your business while you are having a beer with your friends.

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