Moda en redes sociales

The 5 most succesful fashion campaigns in social networks during 2015

We know that social networks are ever more present in our daily life, so many companies have realised that they are the best way to get to their audience. The fashion industry did not lag behind, and there is a new fight for becoming the most followed or liked, becoming a Trending Topic (TT) or making an image go viral.

But what have been the most influential fashion campaigns in social networks?


One of the most successful has been Marc Jacobs, who promoted a models casting through Instagram. Using the hashtag #CastMeMarc, thousands of candidates started to upload their own pictures, reaching over 110,000 publications. The campaign was made by anonymous people that catched the attention of the director.

This idea made possible to add up the success it had on social networks and the interest of youngsters to appear on them. It was such a success that this year the designer launched the same type of campaign.

Moda en twitter marc jacobs

Calvin Klein and Justin Bieber

The campaigns where celebrities appear are also successful. Ask Calvin Klein! In the beginning of 2015 Justin Bieber promoted their clothes.

It was so popular that the company became worldwide Trending Topic and three million followers were added to his Instagram’s account.

But it was not going to be that easy. The firm also had to challenge controversy on whether the pictures where photoshopped or not.

calvin klein justin bieber


Burberry is another expert in events going viral. Its campaign “art of trench”, consisting on sharing your look with a raincoat that was later published on a screen, made possible the interaction with more than seven million users in a year.

The company also creates different contents depending on the social network, so its campaigns always succeed and result in an increase in followers.

Hashtag Twitter Art of trench

Tiffany & Co

Doing something different also equals success. This is what happened to the jewelry firm Tiffany & Co, that chose a gay couple to advertise its wedding rings. The picture was shared thousands of times on social networks and it got to every news media.

tiffany and co pareja gay


Not only luxury firms know how to use social networks. Pull and Bear joined with their campaign #pullcrazychef, where they combined the love people have for cooking TV shows and the power of social networks.

Moda en redes sociales

Users had to upload crazy moments in the kitchen. The best five pictures would get an apron by Pull and Bear. This campaign resulted in the brand increasing its followers by the thousands on Instagram.

Now that you know how good social networks are for campaigns, find something different for yours and go for it.

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