Influencer and neuromarketing, How to apply it?
What is neuromarketing? Neuromarketing is the study of how people’s brains respond to adverts and other brand messages by scientifically monitoring brainwave activity, eye tracking and skin response. These neuromarketing techniques are used to study the brain of the customers to predict their decision making behavior. Marketers physiological signals to gain insight into customers motivations, […]
Pain points: What are they?
In today’s blog we are going to talk about pain points and how you can solve them, and how it affects influencers. What is the meaning of pain point? Is a persistent or recurring problem (as with a product or service) that frequently inconveniences or annoys customers, in our case influencers. Also we will see […]
Top Instagramers for your campaigns
Social media has changed and involved in the last 10 years. Social Media has a big impact in how individuals establish connections and communicate in the contemporary digital age. Among all of these new platforms to establish communication and share stories and experience, Instagram distinguishes itself as the popular one and influential platform, boasting billions […]
How to build a good online reputation?
Online reputation, or e-reputation, is the reputation of a company, person, product, service or any other element on the Internet and digital platforms. This online reputation is impacted by the content, the reactions of and interactions with users, activity on the different social media networks For e-commerce brands, online reputation is very important, as it […]
Youtube Shorts: What are they and how to use them?
At this point in time, you might be an expert in Tiktok and Reels but if you are an influencer or a content creator you may be missing important potential followers on Youtube. A great way to grow your Youtube channel in 2024 is by using Youtube Shorts.In this article we are going to give […]
Everything you need to know about Metricool
Have you ever wondered how Community Managers manage multiple Instagram, Twitter or Tiktok accounts for clients without messing around or getting crazy. Well there are multiple websites that will help you manage your accounts on Social Media and one of these amazing tools is Metricool. Probably you are thinking: What is Metricool?. Is it the […]
The best tiktok hastags
Growing on TikTok is becoming challenging because none really understands the algorithm. Questions like it’s important to post certain hours? Does shadow ban actually exist on Tiktok? or how hashtags do I have to use? are really common and difficult to answer. Well in this article we are going to teach you how to use […]
How to ad music to Instagram story?
Instagram is one of the most complete apps at the moment. You can enjoy while scrolling short videos (reels), pictures from your favorite accounts and more recently even tweets (threads). Meta is always innovation and adding new features to maintain their users happy. Music is also really present in the app, having lots of viral […]
How do I unsubcribe from Linkedin premium?
Linkedin is a really useful platform to communicate in the working market environment. From searching for a new job to connecting to other professionals in your sector, Linkedin serves as an online space where professionals can connect with colleagues, industry peers, and potential collaborators. Launched in 2003, it has grown to become one of the […]
How can I tag someone on Instagram?
Social Media is supposed to be a place to share content with friends, family or a group of people and by sharing we mean that our content can be part of another person. In this case when we tag someone in our content we can share memories, experiences and give value to what we do […]