How to get Influencers to promote your product

Influencer marketing has managed to penetrate even deeper into the digital environment. Nowadays, it has proven to be one of the digital strategies that works best on social media. Digital marketing has grown at a dizzying pace this past year, and in the context in which we are living, the motto of any company is “adapt or die.” That’s why we are going to explain how to get influencers for your brand and how to adapt your business to this new era.

Finding profiles which fit your branding needs is not an easy task. SocialPubli is a social media influencer agency with more than 200,000 segmented influencer profiles. We can help you create and develop a complete social media campaign!

Just a decade ago, the world of influencer marketing was exclusive to celebrities and some bloggers. Today, content promoted on social networks is becoming more popular each day. Furthermore, brands have discovered the potential of micro and nano-influencers who have great impact on their communities, since their activity is based on promoting the brands they truly believe in.

How to get influencers to promote your product

Influencers are people who have the trust and respect of the audiences you want to reach. Sounds good, right? Consumers are becoming more and more informed before buying a product or service. This is where the influencer begins to take center stage by generating interactions between your brand and target audience.

However, though at first glance all of this seems really simple, it is not so easy to develop a good influencer marketing strategy that is effective and does not ruin your brand’s reputation. So how do you find the right influencers? Thanks to our experience with influencers, SocialPubli can give you some tips on how to get influencers to promote your product:

  1. Segment the profiles depending on what you want to communicate and the target audience you want to reach. This is the first and most important point when laying the groundwork for your strategy. One of the most common mistakes brands make is confusing size with influence. An influencer, as the name suggests, is a person who influences the decisions of the public. The key is to find profiles that manage to connect with the audience you are looking to reach.
  2. Set your goals. Knowing your brand purpose is essential to achieve good results. This goal can be to generate brand awareness, achieve sales or improve engagement. Also, what will your relationship with the influencer look like? Do you want to carry out a specific action or a long-lasting collaboration? On which social networks will you develop the strategy? Will you take advantage of special dates?
  3. Analyze the results. This is a point that often goes unnoticed. But it’s just as important as the first one. In order to know how to improve in the future, you have to know in detail what works: the format that best suits your goals, the types of influencers that give you better results and the social media platforms where the content is best received, etc.

Use social networks for influencers to promote your brand

Depending on your objective, you must choose between all the options and formats that exist on different social networks when developing your marketing strategy with influencers. Social networks have come out unscathed in 2020. Some platforms have already established themselves in the digital environment with new followers and formats, and we have even seen the birth of new platforms.

The social media star of the past year has undoubtedly been TikTok. The platform provides great opportunities for content creators and brands thanks to the easy organic reach it offers. This social network is ideal for brands that do not yet have large communities of followers to boost themselves through influencers who are already well known on the platform.

We have recently witnessed the birth of a new social network that’s gaining steam. We are referring to Clubhouse, the new audio-based platform which has the entire marketing community reeling with its exclusivity. We are sure that this new and original format will bring a lot of opportunities for brands.

How to get a Youtuber to promote your products

YouTube is still, without a doubt, the best platform to implement your video marketing strategy. The isolation caused by the pandemic has made us consume even more video content than ever and brands have taken advantage of this moment to conquer their target audiences.

If you want to develop your own YouTube campaign, SocialPubli makes it easy for you by connecting advertisers with influencers and making your product marketing a success. Making YouTube campaigns through our platform is super easy and quick. Are you up for it?

Tell us in the comments which are your favorite social networks to develop your influencer marketing strategies 😉

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