How To Go From Being a Micro-Influencer to Becoming a Macro-Influencer

On Saturday, October 28th, 2017, Samsung MadFun was held,- this is the biggest festival of viral phenomenon.  Some of Spain’s best known YouTubers made presentations for their followers in the city of Barcelona.  If you’re a micro-influencer and you want to know how to be up on stage at a festival like Samsung MadFun, then pay attention to the following tips, which you can use to jump ahead and go from being a micro-influencer to becoming a macro-influencer.

Figure out what makes you different.   If being a micro-influencer means it’s important to reveal your essence, then in order to become a macro-influencer you have to really stand out in the huge immensity of the Internet.  How?  Make a list of your passions so you can choose the one you enjoy the most.  For example, maybe you’re an expert in finding sales at vintage stores, and all your friends ask you where you bought your clothes.  You might be the person who knows the most about movies from Finland in your group.  Find your passion, concentrate on your niche, and start creating!

Create a community.  Little by little, your number of followers will start increasing.  It’s important that you pay attention to them, respond to their comments, and thank them for their support.

Be consistent.   Organize yourself so that you post content on a regular basis.  In order to become a macro-influencer and make money on social media, the most important thing is to post content on a regular basis so your followers don’t forget you.

Be present on all the social networks.    As soon as a new network is launched, be the first to sign up!  You have to be on the greatest possible number of RRSS, and you definitely can’t be absent from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  And it’s best if you have the same user name on all of them!

Pay attention to all the trends.   If you’re a YouTuber, pay attention to the viral videos so you can get on board and attract new subscribers to your channel.  The “Roast yourself challenge”, “El tag del trap” , or “Draw my life” are some examples of this kind of viral content.  And on the other social networks there are also viral trends which you shouldn’t overlook

Surround yourself with other influencers.  There’s strength in numbers.  It will be very beneficial on your path to becoming a macro-influencer to be part of gatherings with other influencers.  This is how you can become known with new audiences and make friends.

And always remember, quality is more important than quantity.  Opting for a strategy which uses smaller influencers is a choice which is becoming ever more common among brands.

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