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How to make money with your blog without sacrificing your identity

If you’ve already attracted a lot of traffic, then you’re probably thinking about how to make money with your blog. Today we are going to tell you the different ways to monetize your blog and earn some extra income.

The first steps

You can’t expect to make money with your blog when you first start out. You have to first cultivate an audience that follows you and trusts what you say. For a blog to be lucrative over the long term, you have to begin by building a strong foundation, based on quality content that adds value to user.

There are no tricks to getting quality traffic, but perseverance is key. Most bloggers abandon their project before the end of the first year.

On the other hand, if you take into account the SEO within your niche, so much the better. It is the biggest source of traffic there is, and in many cases it’s what decides whether a blog is successful or not.

Your personal investment not only requires time, but also money. The easiest thing to do is pay for hosting on a platform, such as WordPress.

Online Advertising

The most typical way to make money with your blog is by leaving room for Google AdSense to display advertising. But of course, this presents several problems. First of all, you can’t choose what is shown to your readers. Additionally,  the revenue is quite limited, a trend that will continue to grow, given the popularity of Ad Blockers.

Your own products

If your readers are interested in your articles, surely they would also be interested if you wrote a book, right?

This is what many bloggers do, offering reports or electronic books within their niche topic. If readers trust what you say and enjoy reading what you write, then they might consider paying in order to access exclusive content.

You can also sell your services. For example, if you provide posts on workplace motivation, you could offer talks or coaching sessions to companies.

Sometimes, you do not need to offer content as an incentive. Sometimes, people enjoy your content so much that they want to thank you through a donation. You can offer this by adding a donation button or link to your profile on platforms like Patreon.

Sponsored posts

The problem with the previous section is that it offers a very inconsistent source of income, and you may end up barely making any money this way.

Thanks to sponsored posts, you can earn money with your blog without “betraying” your editorial style or filling your readers’ screens with ads.

At SocialPubli.com, we work with companies that seek influencers specialized in countless sectors to share their message. Influencers can choose to participate in the campaigns they believe in and that fit well with their blogs.

After an initial briefing, bloggers send their content proposal through the SocialPubli platform. Next, the advertisers review it. As soon as the blog is approved and published, we will make the payment to the influencers.  This is the easiest way to earn money writing your blog.

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