influencers on instagram

Instagram Updates 2022: New Trends

Instagram keeps surprising us with innovation and new features to keep us on our toes and help users support their favorite brands and influencers. If you want to become a real influencer on Instagram or keep your business on trend, these are some Instagram updates in 2022 that you need to know about to stay up to date and how to use them.

Private Story Likes

On Valentine’s Day, Instagram introduced us to their new feature: private likes on stories. Now you can show your love without cluttering someone’s DM.

When users view a story now, they can tap on the heart icon located at the bottom of their screen, so the creator of this story can see likes in the form of a heart symbol next to their name when they are checking who’s seen their story. This Instagram update allows users to have a cleaner inbox since they won’t get as many notifications. Influencers must be really happy!

Instagram Updates 2022: TOP3 you need to know

Auto generated captions on video posts

Thinking about the deaf and hard-of-hearing, Instagram released this update in which captions will be automatically generated and will be available in 17 languages so users can turn on and off this feature as they please. This Instagram update is an addition to help keep up with TikTok, which introduced auto captions in 2021. Brands and influencers will be specifically benefited from this update since they will be able to make their content more accessible for all users.

Scheduling Live in Instagram profile

Lives have been available on Instagram for some time now; however, it was combined with stories. Now, with this Instagram update, we can schedule a live and be able to separate it from posts and stories. To make scheduled lives more visible, there will be a badge on creators profiles that their followers can click on to subscribe for reminders. If you are an influencer or have a brand, this Instagram update will come very handy to organize your lives!


If you are an influencer or a brand, this Instagram update is for you. Subscriptions is a new way for creators to make more money and with bigger predictability by becoming closer to their followers. Now, for a monthly subscription to exclusive content, you can subscribe to:

  • Lives in which creators will go live only to their subscribers.
  • Stories that will be marked with a purple ring, so subscribers know it is posted for them.
  • Badges: subscribers will be differentiated with a purple ring so creators will know who is a subscriber and who isn’t on their comments and DMs.

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