publicidad en instagram

Keys to avoid boring your audiences on Instagram

Making extra money by posting ads on Instagram is the primary motivation of micro-influencers.  In many cases, the more important goal is to make sure the influencer’s profile doesn’t turn into an advertising catalog.  To prevent this, there are a number of keys points that influencers should keep in mind;

Know your audience:  Knowing which products or services will be useful for your followers is fundamental for making sure they will thank you for your ad on Instagram.

Quality images:  The photographs must be good.  Your followers want to see beautiful images on Instagram.  If your advertising campaign on Instagram is accompanied by a photo which is visually appealing, you will never bore your followers.

Curate the descriptions:  Ideally, the advertising slogan should not show up below your photo.  Adapt the message your advertisers ask you for into your own style.  You can decorate it with funny expressions or with your most often used emoticons.

Work with brands you feel an affinity with:  You want to make money on social media, but not at any price.  It’s not recommended to work with brands that represent values you don’t identify with, especially if your audience knows this.  For example, if your Instagram account is dedicated to sharing your life as a vegan, then you don’t want to participate in an advertising campaign for a major brand of cold cuts nor the local butcher shop in town.  Your credibility will evaporate immediately.

Enjoy:  It’s important that advertising on social media doesn’t become tedious for you.  Don’t do it just for the money.  Do it because you enjoy it and get involved with each campaign.  

Know the brand you are working with:  It’s a very good idea to read as much as possible about the advertiser you’re going to work with.   By doing this, you’ll be able to respond to any questions from your followers.  The more details you have about the brand you’re going to advertise with on social media, the better.

If you follow this advice, you’ll position yourself with your audience as a quality spokesperson.    Remember that while it’s great to earn money on social media, but the most important thing is to remain faithful to the community you’ve created.

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