Todos los cambios que llegan a Twitter

New features are coming to Twitter

Twitter has been in our lives for 14 years and if we look back, a lot has changed in this social network since its inception. But 2020 has been a year for true adaptation of the social network of instantaneity. In SocialPubli we will remind you of those changes that have been present for a while, and the new ones that arrived this 2020.

‘Quote Tweets’: new name, new functionality

The Community Managers and Influencers of the world had a complaint: retweets with comments did not count as interaction, despite the fact that this action was increasingly common in the social network since it allows users to add their own opinion.

Aware of this, and in order to improve our experience as users, Twitter has made changes.

This week it was announced by Twitter that Retweets with comments will be renamed ‘Quote Tweets’ and will be one more interaction that will allow you to measure the results of your content. As the retweet and the ‘like’ already are.

Audio, content king

It all started when WhatsApp released the audios. And since then there are people who only know how to communicate through them. Later, this idea reached the direct messages of Instagram and also succeeded.

Only Twitter was missing, aware that audiovisual is the king content in these times. Twitter has not only implemented it for direct messages within its platform, but soon we will even be able to see it in tweets. It was in June when they announced its launch, but for now, it is only available on some iOS devices as a trial.

They will work as follows: audios of up to 140 seconds. If you overdo it, nothing happens: Twitter will record everything and put it in several tweets as a thread. Despite working on these developments, you will not forget about certain sectors of society. There are many people with hearing difficulties who consume content on this social network and, in many cases, they do not find facilities since the content creators do not think about them and do not subtitle the content. Therefore, Twitter will do it automatically to be inclusive and usable to all.

In this line of news, Twitter is also testing Fleets, their particular Instagram ‘stories’ or WhatsApp ‘states’ in some countries. An initiative that will quickly triumph in the instantaneous social network.

Twitter against plagiarism

 Another change that comes to Twitter points against plagiarism. One of the biggest obsessions is reaching as many people as possible and getting more engagement.

In this sense, the social network will reduce the scope of those tweets in which it is detected that a literal ‘copy and paste’ has been made, thus avoiding plagiarized content.

Why is this trending?

You’ve probably ever wondered ‘what happened to such a person or to this series and why is it Trending Topic on Twitter?’ And, almost always, it is something with logic and meaning: a premiere, a news item, a controversy … But there are times when trends do not understand objective reasons and it is more difficult for us to understand why we see it in the trends section.

For this reason, Twitter will begin to explain to users why content is trending. And many of us will easily get out of doubt.

And what to edit the tweets, when?

Of course, not everything was going to be good news in this article. Twitter listens to our requests and grants us wishes, but only half. Users began to claim one of the most necessary things on the social network, something that has happened to each one of us: to post the perfect tweet and see a misprint when there is no turning back.

That is why many ask to the social network allow editing the tweets once published. However, that change is not yet to take place. Although Twitter promises to implement it if we meet only one requirement:

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