How to Do Marketing on Instagram in 2018

marketing instagram 2018

Instagram reigned in 2017, bringing in more than 800,000 active users every month. With this audience size and its visual impact, it’s to be expected that brands will want their campaigns to be present on Instagram. With the continual updates  coming out, the recommended marketing practices continue to change and evolve. Just because something worked […]

Brands Will Have Even Less Visibility on Facebook

visibilidad facebook

Pages with 10,000 followers and posts that barely reach 300 impressions. This is the daily bread for companies and media on Facebook. This difference in visibility will soon be accentuated and it has brands very worried. Every hour, 1,500 posts compete to appear on the “Wall” of the users. And how does Facebook decide which […]

Influencer campaigns during Black Friday

Black Friday

It’s been several years now since Black Friday arrived in Spain and its popularity just continues to grow.  The tradition of Black Friday comes from the U.S. and is held the day after Thanksgiving.  Black Friday is the last Friday in November and the day when Christmas shopping officially begins.  Brands take advantage Black Friday […]

Keys to avoid boring your audiences on Instagram

publicidad en instagram

Making extra money by posting ads on Instagram is the primary motivation of micro-influencers.  In many cases, the more important goal is to make sure the influencer’s profile doesn’t turn into an advertising catalog.  To prevent this, there are a number of keys points that influencers should keep in mind; Know your audience:  Knowing which […]

Collaborative Intelligence and the Future

Inteligencia colaborativa

Collaborative intelligence developed in the digital environment, without any physical limitations and giving everyone a voice.  Users act autonomously, contributing their ideas and individual experiences in order to create something or solve a problem. Wikipedia was the start of this, although with certain differences.  In their case, it could be called collective intelligence because although […]

Storytelling: the art of telling a story


Art can be defined as any creative situation, aesthetics or communicative with emotional purposes. This is what we hope to achieve, since storytelling is an art form. With storytelling, we hope to tell stories in a magical way and connect with our users, seeking their empathy and transporting them to another world which the story […]

Advantages of An Effective Influencer Strategy

Today, many brands are joining the trend of collaborating with influencers.  Everyday there are more companies investing in digital PR strategies in order to amplify their communications. According to the IAB “2016 Annual Study of Social Networks”, 85% of users on social media platforms follow influencers using these platforms.  For women, the percentage is even […]

Marketing strategies for 2016

marketing 2016

A month has already gone in 2016. If you had any doubt, the digital marketing is ever more essential to do a campaign for your business. In the following we explain some tips that you should not skip to become number one on the Internet. Create content Companies have to invest in a contents strategy […]

Five tried ideas to increase your influence and become a leader

Convertirse en un líder

*This post was originally written by Jaione for Blogger Connection Influence, according to Wikipedia, is “the power that somebody has to determine or change the way another person thinks or acts”. That is why marketing with influencers has become so trendy. In a setting where traditional advertising has lost most of its effectivenness, it is necessary that big […]