Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go in 7 funny GIFs

Pokémon Go is here to stay. It has been so successful that the servers have gone down even before its official launch in all countries. Everybody is crazy about this app.

Although it is newly born, we already know what it feels like using this app. Here you have 7 funny GIFs that represent key moments in this great game of augmented reality that has marked a milestone in the world of videogames.

    • When you finally download the app:
    • When you open the app for the first time:
    • When to catch your first Pokémon:
    • When you struggle to catch a Pokémon:
    • When you finally find Pikachu:
    • When you get points to evolve:
    • When you reach level 5 and you can go to gyms:
    • When you lose a battle in a gym:

We are sure that you have seen yourself reflected in more than one of these. If you still do not have downloaded the app, you can do so here.

Gotta catch’em all!

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