¿Vender en TikTok? Cada vez más opciones

Sell ​​on TikTok? More and more options nowadays

TikTok is the social network of the moment, everyone wants to be in it and succeed. And businesses must not be left behind. Those companies whose target is Generation X must consider this social network since this audience has migrated massively to this platform.

IAB’s annual social media study confirmed that our time on TikTok has increased exponentially: Currently, we spend an hour and 20 minutes on average on this social network. So it is, most likely, the place where we should be if we want to reach new audiences today. That is why, today at SocialPubli, we analyze all the possibilities that TikTok offers to companies. If you are a newbie to TikTok strategy, a TikTok influencer marketing agency like us may help your brand in these areas.


TikTok is aware of its growth

Aware of the power of attraction that its application has, at TikTok they have set to work to adapt it to companies.

Now, it allows creating company accounts. In this sense, you must improve your company profile. It is necessary, as we contact you on social networks such as Instagram, ensure your TikTok page is taken care of. In this sense, take into account the factors that we always mention: profile photo, attractive biography, brand hashtag, link to your website … etc.

Once all this is done, you should create a content marketing strategy that is tailored for both your company and TikTok. In this sense, you should bear in mind that TikTok is a social network well known for the content generated by the users themselves and that you must try to get the audience to use your content to create their own related to your brand. In this sense, you may already know, but it is worth remembering: videos of pure corporatism have no place on TikTok.

Don’t forget that every strategy you carry out on TikTok must be accompanied by a brand hashtag. This allows you to create a community and to measure the results of your actions, since you can see people who have started that hashtag and how those videos have worked within the social network.

TikTok for Business

 As we have said, TikTok is aware of its success, but it has also been aware of the obstacles that some companies have been able to find when advertising on the platform. So it has decided to make their lives easier with the launch of TikTok for Business.

 This new aspect of TikTok offers the possibility of creating videos of up to 60 seconds.

Beyond this, he also thinks about the Marketing of Influencers, allowing them the possibility of creating labels, tagging users and inviting them to develop content about their brand. Through the Creator Marketplace, you will be able to find popular content creators related to your brand worldwide.

This tool also allows access to the reach data of these influencers, something very interesting to measure the results of your campaigns.

The best influencers on SocialPubli

As you well know, at SocialPubli we constantly work so that you can carry out actions and campaigns on all social networks with total ease. And, in this sense, we are already working on TikTok.

Maybe you already know the process if you have collaborated with us for any campaign. The first thing you should do is access (or register) your SocialPubli company account. Once you are inside, add the balance you want to allocate to your campaign to your profile (you already know that you can do it by transfer, credit card or through PayPal).

Once this is done, you can add the briefing and the details of the campaign. Remember, as we have said before, that for all actions on TikTok it is convenient (and almost necessary) to include a hashtag in order to monetize the results.

The added value of SocialPubli is that influencers apply to participate in the campaign and you can choose for yourself who you want to finally participate. And we take care of managing everything else, as well as offering you the metrics obtained.

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