
The latest in social media news that you missed this summer

How was your summer?  Great?  We hope so, and we hope you returned from the beach sun-tanned and relaxed.  For sure you didn’t disconnect from your social media networks so you could upload photographs of your legs in the sun or the beautiful sunsets.  Meanwhile, new things continued to happen on social media and, naturally, it was easy to miss them because you weren’t paying much attention.  

Therefore, we’ve prepared a mega summary for you with the biggest news that’s happened on social media, so you can come back and be up to date with the latest.


  • One billion active users every day.  Only half of what Facebook has!
  • They have begun tests so companies can verify their accounts and it can be a means of communication with their users.
  • For the lazy friend:  You can send 15-minute long voice notres.  And soon, you won’t have to keep pressing down in order to record (and it won’t hang up when you don’t want it to and you end up talking to yourself like a fool).
  • You can already send any type of file.


  • They have already launched “Watch” in the United States.  It’s a platform whose content is its own video shows.
  • They also launched its “Marketplace” in Spain, a buy-sell platform among users.
  • New functions in “Search Wi FI”.
  • You can upload 360 degree photos to the network from its application.
  • You can organize charitable donations with your friends on your birthday.
  • The company pages can use videos as their header.

New for advertisers:

  • The ads will begin to be included in Messenger and on the middle of videos.
  • On September 15th, they will limit the tools for advertisers because they didn’t meet their expected results.    So say goodbye to shared products, notes, surveys, files or cultural moments, if you even said hello to them.

In its fight against “fake news”:

  • If you share it, you cannot create ads on your pages.
  • You cannot edit the information or photos on the links you share.
  • They will penalize publications with click baits. Luckily, we know how to make them classy (so they deliver with their promises).

Regarding its complicated relationship with the media:

  • They will permit the media to charge for its news on “Instant Articles”.
  • The media can add their logo to its news.


  • On the 20th of September you can say good bye to your video editor.  So if you are a creator….   you need to download the videos that you have stored (on the edition platform) before they disappear.
  • Give a news touch to the platform with your section “Breaking News”.
  • Your app will let you create private chats to comment on videos.
  • After 12 years with the same logo … They are debuting a new one!  How do you like it?




  • The comments are more organized (finally), because now they will be organized by conversations, like Facebook.
  • You can create albums (or photo strips) from different formats.  Before, our photos were adjusted to fit into a square.  So now we have a little more creative flexibility.
  • “Stories” arrives to… the web version of Instagram.
  • They have plans to debut a new filter which is a little different: it will block offensive comments.
  • Two users can do a live video together, dividing the screen.


  • The losses continue.


  • They recognize your interests and create two themed categories based on these in order to accompany your timeline.
  • It’s been 10 years since the first #hashtag.
  • The nighttime mode has arrived for their web version for some users.
  • A premium version for $99 is in testing mode.  It assumes a constant promotion of the profile and your tweets.


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