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Social networks have become one of the most effective ways to earn money. They are for many people around the world their business, and their everyday life. Social network effectiveness has been proven, and if there is a social network that reigns in the influencer world it is Instagram. That is

Excellent news on March for SocialPubli, since we have gained access to the Instagram posts statistics that are part of the campaigns we carry out through our platform.  Which statistics do we offer in SocialPubli? At SocialPubli we always try to choose the best influencers to carry out the campaigns we are

What are NanoInfluencers? We've been talking for a long time about microinfluencers and how great they are, but lately there's a distinction within them, the nanoinfluencers, with less than 1,000 followers. Do we see how they can help in an influencer marketing strategy? Who are nanoinfluencers? Nanoinfluencers are normal people with a follower