Trucos para estrenarte con éxito en Instagram Reels

Tricks to successfully debut on Instagram Reels

It’s been two weeks since Instagram launched its particular TikTok and many users have not yet taken the step of creating content in this new format. So now is the time to seek success on Instagram Reels. Being a pioneer will help us get there.

Why start as soon as possible on Reels

Instagram always gets what it wants and now it has set the goal of unseating TikTok. At the moment, it starts with more users in Reels than the Chinese application has, since being integrated within Instagram has absorbed the number of users.

And the war has already started. TikTok has felt the threat and has decided to fight back using Influencer Marketing on the rival platform. There are many who in recent days have shared their TikToks on Instagram stories inviting their followers to follow them on their TikTok accounts for more similar content.

However, given that the characteristics and functionalities of both are very similar and that it is on Instagram where the bulk of followers of many of these are found, it is very possible that when TikTok stops investing in these content creators to promote their use , many stay on Instagram and switch to using Reels.

But since that is not going to happen immediately, the best thing, if we want to be successful on Instagram Reels, is to bet on it from the beginning and start creating content in this format.

Keys to success on Instagram Reels

A few months ago, we explained to you in a blog post how to appear in the ‘For you’ section on TikTok. And today we are going to give you similar tricks for Reels. You already know that in this case, Instagram shows the most prominent videos in the ‘explore’ section. Well with these tricks, it will be easier for your content to appear here.

But the first step to get diffusion must be taken by you. The good thing about Reels is that being integrated into Instagram it has as many diffusion options as any of its contents. You can share it in your stories, leave it on your feed for a while (or forever), and share it with friends via direct message.

Whatever you do, it will be forever in the Reels folder, but if you maximize the impact and the chances that people see it, they will multiply.

On the other hand, don’t forget to take advantage of all the functionalities. While on TikTok you only have the ability to select one of the video clips as the cover, Instagram Reels offers more options. For example, you can upload it from your gallery. It will depend on your device if you can do it once recorded before publishing or if you must upload it as a frame of your video to be able to use it.

And with this possibility, the best thing you can do is make the most of it. It will depend on your style if you work on a thumbnail in an editing tool in the purest YouTube style or if you choose to create it on Instagram itself. You can do it through all the possibilities that ‘Instagram Stories’ offers at the level of texts, GIFs… except that, instead of publishing, you will save it in your gallery to use it later.

And finally, do not forget that Reels is within a social network and that the best way to make the content on these platforms viral is through the use of hashtags. And these cannot be missed when you publish your short video. In this sense, we recommend you use viral hashtags that have to do with the content. Do not use unrelated tags as you are misleading the audience and you are probably losing followers by gaining views.

In addition to those that are related to the content, use basic hashtags such as: #trend or #viral. So you will be looking for Instagram to position you without fooling anyone.

Finally, worry about generating original content, even when you join a trend. The style of the videos is similar to that of TikTok, so you will participate in viral challenges or use popular sounds. Of course, even if the base is the same, you must offer something different to your audience. If not, how could they choose you over the rest?




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