
What’s New on Instagram for 2018

We have now entered 2018 and this is the perfect time to look ahead and get ready for what Instagram has prepared for us. The year 2017 ended with some great updates, such as the new Insta-stories pinning feature. They also added much more detailed statistics for company profiles. What is clear is that improvements to this social network are not going to stop.  Below, we are going to analyze what’s new on Instagram that we can look forward to in 2018.

Shopping tags. Instagram has already implemented this in some US profiles as a test. Everything indicates that very soon we will be able to label our products in order to offer a store, a price and a direct link to their online sale.

Feed of 4 images per row. This new Instagram feature, to become effective, would break with the aesthetic strategy of a large number of Instagram users. Many Instagrammers decide to organize their publications using 3-by-3, in order to create a row by row harmony.  Starting in 2018, this may change and the distribution would be 4 images per row.

Visual search. Among the news on Instagram that await us in 2018 is image recognition. And that means that in addition to hashtags, now it will be possible to search by image, in a similar way to how ios manages the gallery of images on the iPhone.

Screen capture notice. It is possible that the most striking aspect of Snapchat will also end up being part of Instagram stories. Apparently, Instagram could start notifying users of who makes a screenshot of their Insta-story.

– Last connection. For a couple of weeks a rumor has been circulating that Instagram is planning to include the last connection of its users. This is in the purest WhatsApp style.   And it would, without a doubt, generate controversy and remove the privacy of the instagramers.

In short, Instagram will not stop working to introduce new features in its application that will improve the user experience. We will have to be patient and wait until all these arrive, in order to test them in our own Instagram profiles.

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