influencers for unboxing product videos

Why use unboxing videos with Influencers for your products?

Unboxing videos have become one of the most attractive ways for brands to promote their products. Obviously, influencers are the best channel for this type of marketing strategy. You can launch these video campaigns on YouTube, which has established itself as the best platform for unboxing videos with influencers.

Unboxing videos basically consist of someone recording themselves opening a product and taking it out of its original packaging. Meanwhile, he or she explains the characteristics of the packaging and the details that may be included, such as personalized cards, special packaging, scented paper or other extras.

In this article, we will tell you why unboxing and haul videos have become so popular on the Internet and how they can help increase your sales and build customer loyalty. Find out more below!

Why are unboxing videos so popular?

In the age of e-commerce, consumers prefer ordering online instead of shopping in a physical store. Furthermore, the pandemic has incentivized many businesses to implement or strengthen the sale of their products online and further develop their digital marketing strategy.

Because of this, it can be complicated to acquire new customers or to build loyalty with existing ones through online channels, since competition is fierce and the flood of information received by the consumer could make your brand go unnoticed.  Advertising on social media, retargeting actions, email marketing or affiliate programs are some of the strategies to achieve customer acquisition.

That’s why, using unboxing and haul videos is a unique and attractive way to capture consumers’ attention, giving you the opportunity to show off the full potential of your products. Not being able to physically see the product makes it much more difficult for the customer to choose. Therefore, brands have realized how important it is to show the product before the customer receives it at home.

Unboxing experiences with Influencers

When using the unboxing strategy, influencers are the best collaborators. They already have a strong community of followers, so it will be very easy for you to reach a wide audience and show them the benefits and features of your products.

But why do people watch the unboxing videos by influencers? There are two reasons you should include unboxing videos with influencers in your marketing strategy. On one hand, you have the influencer’s loyal following who sees everything that the influencer posts, which is an opportunity for the customer to get to know you. On the other hand, there are people who are actively looking for reviews because they want to buy a product. These people will search for influencer videos in which they’ll be able to see the features first hand.

What is a Haul video? 

Showing your products in detail through a haul will make customers remember your brand and get to know it in a much deeper way.

We could say that a haul is very similar to an unboxing video, but is much more detailed and organized. Normally, the influencer who makes the haul video does it with a collection of products and analyzes them while giving his opinion and highlighting each characteristic of the item. Clothing and make-up hauls in which the influencer tries on the products are very popular.



Unboxing on YouTube

The format of unboxing and haul videos has changed over the years. A few years ago on YouTube, it was common to find extensive, detailed videos, while the current trend is videos with much more dynamic editing.

With the appearance of Instagram Stories, we’ve seen audio-visual content become shorter and as a result, the videos on YouTube have also become more dynamic to compete with this trend. There are also many subscribers who choose to publish unboxing videos using the IGTV format.


It’s clear that utilizing this type of content continues to be a successful strategy. Oftentimes whenever an influencer talks about a product, it gets consumed in a matter of minutes. Influencers are people who offer credibility in very specific market niches such as fashion, beauty or fitness.

Are you interested in including unboxing videos in your marketing strategy? Tell us what kind of unboxing video is your favorite!

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