What are Twitter Spaces and how should brands use them?

Everything suggests that the audio chat format is trending right now. With Clubhouse on the rise, Twitter did not want to be left behind, which is why the company is launching its own version called Twitter Spaces. For now, it’s only available to some users as it is in beta testing. But we have already found out how it works and will explain it to you below.

If social media marketing plays a central role in your brand strategy, you need to be updated with the latest formats which help you interact with your audience. Through Twitter, you can develop marketing campaigns with influencers and SocialPubli can help you with this task. However, to carry out a consistent strategy, you need to be informed of the latest developments, so keep reading this post 😉

What is Twitter Spaces

A few months after the launch of Fleets, Twitter boldly introduced another new feature. The main difference between Spaces and Clubhouse, the exclusive audio chat app that’s only available to iPhone users and is invite only, is that Spaces will be available to all users, both iOS and Android, and not just to a select few.

Otherwise, it appears that the dynamics are very similar to Clubhouse in terms of interactions. You can create audio chat rooms and participate in those created by other users. You can also jump from one room to another freely to listen in or to join conversations on different topics. When it becomes available, Spaces will automatically appear at the top of your timeline, where Fleets are currently located.

How to start a Twitter Space 

Users who create a Space will be the Hosts and, once the feature is available, they will be able to create it in two different ways:

  • One of the options to create a new room will be pressing the “Compose Tweet” button for a few seconds, located on the main timeline page, then pressing on the Spaces icon displayed next.
  • Another way to start a Space will be by clicking on your profile image, where Fleets is now located, then scroll to the far right and click on Spaces.

How Twitter Spaces invitations and rooms work

Spaces will be public, just like tweets. They will be accessible for anyone to join as a listener, even those who don’t follow you. Each Space will have a unique link which can be shared by DM, tweeting the link, or sharing it directly with whoever you want to join the conversation.

In addition, as mentioned by Twitter on its official website, at the moment only a maximum of 11 people (including the Host) will be able to participate in a conversation. But the number of listeners is unlimited. When a Host starts a Space, he/she can choose who will be able to talk among:

  • All users
  • People he/she follows
  • Only people he/she invites to speak

Once a Space has been created, the Host can moderate who is allowed to speak. Listeners can request permission to speak by clicking on the “Request” icon below the microphone. The microphone will be disabled when starting a room and when the Host is ready, he/she should click on the “Start Spaces” button. As a listener, you will be able to choose whether you want to display descriptions if the Host has previously activated them.

How can your brand benefit from Twitter Spaces?

Now that you know how Spaces work and how to create a room and interact with users, how can you take your Twitter marketing strategy to the next level? This new feature could have numerous advantages for your brand:

  • Engage in conversations with experts in your industry. This allows you to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry and nurture your network, create leads, share information and find potential customers.
  • Interact with your community. Given the current circumstances with social interactions at a halt, in-person chats have been reduced to a minimum. That’s why Twitter Spaces can be a good opportunity to hold online events.
  • Get to know the opinions of your audience about new launches or feelings about your brand or improvements you could make. Also it’s another way to generate interactions with your followers and reach people who do not yet follow you.

We still don’t know when Twitter Spaces will officially be released, but it seems to be just around the corner. The new feature will undoubtedly bring numerous opportunities for brands. Twitter Spaces seems to retain the elements which made Clubhouse successful, being more inclusive and creating a safer space. We are sure it will be another step towards seamless communication between brands and audiences. So stay tuned!

What is your opinion about Twitter Spaces?


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