campañas con influencers

Campaigns With Influencers: The Best Online Strategy

Currently, if you are a brand and want to become better known, what is the key to increase your sales, create awareness, strengthen brand image, increase commitment and engagement? Everyone will be thinking the same thing,- you have to become known on social media.

Nowadays, the principal online strategy to achieve all these objectives is to run campaigns with influencers.

“Influencers and marketing: a binomial or combination that works by connection”

With, if you are an influencer or a brand and you’re looking for a way to collaborate quickly and safely, then is the platform you’re looking for.

“Influencers can help make your brand known”

Who are the influencers?

The influencer is the person who has authority, legitimacy and / or positioning and / or an audience (reach) important enough to bring you the benefits that your brand needs.

But … what are the benefits for your brand, if you run campaigns with influencers?

There are many advantages that will help your brand become known:

  • At we believe that we are all influencers. Today, it’s not only those who have millions of “followers” who can help win over the consumer.
  • The micro-influencers, the people on the ground, can be a very important pillar in a marketing strategy.
  • Micro-influencers create bonds!
  • They generate a high level of engagement with the members of their community.
  • They create a positive feeling towards the brand.
  • They confirm the reliability of what they promote.
  • They bring a reputation to the brand.
  • They generate personalized content about the brand.

And who corroborates this?

There are various experts in the sector who confirm this binomial or combination in interviews, blogs and conferences:

Interview from to Ismael El-Qudsi – CEO of : At we say that anyone can be an influencer, regardless of the number of friends you have. For brands, this is very good, because we all like to see people who are like us. If these people speak or recommend a product or service, they give the marketing campaign spontaneity, credibility and if a platform like is used, a campaign can be run with a number of influencers or with a thousand people, all promoting a product at the same time.”

InfluencerOne Conference  / Juan Merodio: “An influencer is someone who, because of their repercussion on certain channels, whether online or offline, is capable of generating opinions, current trends and has an influence on others”.

If in spite of having read or listened to these experts, you are still not clear about how important it is to run campaigns using influencers, we suggest you take a look at these 5 examples of campaigns with influencers and take note!

Finally, we recommend that you watch: INFLUENCERS- The film: how trends and creativity become contagious () (2010 R + I Creative). And don’t forget: “Trends are contagious”.

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