how to create a brand

SocialPubli Academy: How to create a brand if you are an influencer

In the competitive world of social media, influencers are taking a step forward and are not just satisfied with promoting third-party products. Now, they are using their reach and credibility to launch their own brands, creating solid, recognizable businesses. This article will guide you through the process of creating a brand if you are an influencer, highlighting key strategies and success stories that will inspire you to take the next big step in your career.

 Being an influencer goes beyond collaborating with brands and promoting third-party products. Influencers are discovering the power of creating their own non-personal brands, using their name and influence to ensure business success. A prime example is Kylie Jenner with her brand “Khy,” which has captured the attention of her followers, translating into a loyal customer base and remarkable business success.

 Today on SocialPubli, we’ll explore how being an influencer gives you the unique opportunity to use your platform to launch your own brand. This approach can offer numerous benefits for both you and your company. These benefits include reducing marketing costs, increasing sales, securing a loyal customer base and many other competitive advantages that can take your brand to the next level.

How to create a company name

Choosing a company name is a crucial and challenging task, especially for influencers. It is important to find a balance between a name that has a clear link to the influencer’s persona, allowing consumers to recognize the company, and maintaining a certain distance so that the company can prosper on its own, is fundamental. Here are some tips to help you in this process:

Tips for Choosing a Company Name

How to choose the name of your company? Follow these tips:

  1. Uniqueness: A unique and original name can help you stand out in a saturated market. Originality not only captures the attention of consumers, but can also avoid legal problems related to trademarks.
  2. Importance: Make sure the name is relevant to your brand and the products or services you offer. A name that reflects what you do or sell can help establish an immediate connection with consumers.
  3. Easy to remember: A name that is easy to remember and pronounce can lead to consumers talking about and recommending your brand. Simplicity and fluency in the name can make a big difference in how customers perceive and remember your brand.

Examples of Success

Here are some examples of brands created by influencers.

Kylie Jenner and Khy

Kylie Jenner is a huge influencer, she launched in 2023 her clothing luxury brand. In this case the brand is related to his name as well as Kylie Cosmetics this allows the company to prosper on its own while still drawing on Kylie’s influence for initial recognition.

Huda Kattan and Huda Beauty

Huda is another example of success while using her name to create a memorable brand as Huda Beauty. Back in 2010 when she launched the brand she didn´t know it would be a huge brand in the market!

Also read: influencer report

From personal brand to business name

For influencers, the transition from a personal brand to a business name is especially important, as their credibility and authenticity are what set them apart and attract their followers. Maintaining this authenticity when creating a new brand is key to ensuring success.

Essential Points when Creating a Brand.

We share with you 3 points to keep in mind when creating your brand: 

  1. Define the Company’s Essence: Decide what your company will focus on. What products or services will you offer? How will they be different from others?
  2. Be Authentic to Influencer Values: The company should reflect what the influencer represents. Don’t create a company that goes against your values and intentions. This will make sure that the emotional connection with your followers remains strong.
  3. The importance of authenticity:Branding should be a genuine reflection of who you are as an influencer. This will not only appeal to your existing followers, but will also help you attract new customers who share your values and vision.

How to create a slogan according to your personal positioning

Slogans are a powerful tool for companies, including those created by influencers. A good slogan can communicate the essence of the company and its identity in a memorable and defined way. For influencers, the additional challenge is to create a slogan that reflects what people expect and think they know about them on a personal level. The most important aspects that a slogan should follow are: clear communication, easy to remember and personal connection. 

Tips to create a slogan

Here are some tips on how to create a slogan: 

  1. Short and memorable: Mantén tu eslogan corto y fácil de recordar.
  2. Relevant to the Brand Spirit: It should reflect the values, mission and personality you have defined for your company.
  3. Attractive and Interest Builder:Use words that can motivate consumers to want to know more about your brand.

Balance between your personal content and your company’s content 

Maintaining the right balance between your personal and company content is essential to make sure that your personal brand continues to resonate with your audience without them feeling like you’re just trying to sell them something. It’s important that your content amplifies what you’re doing professionally, but without cannibalizing what people are looking for from you in the first place: your authenticity and your personal life.

Maintaining the right balance between your personal and company content is essential to make sure that your personal brand continues to resonate with your audience without them feeling like you’re just trying to sell them something. It’s important that your content amplifies what you’re doing professionally, but without cannibalizing what people are looking for from you in the first place: your authenticity and your personal life.

Examples of Successful Balance

A successful balance is possible, and if not look at the following examples of perfectly created campaigns. 

Messi and his hotels:
Lionel Messi is known for his hotels, but his content remains focused on football and his family life. This ensures that his main audience, which follows him for his sports career, does not feel displaced by constant promotions of his businesses.

Cristiano Ronaldo and his clinics:

Cristiano Ronaldo has invested in health clinics, but his social media presence is still dominated by his soccer career and family life. His businesses are mentioned, but they do not dominate his content, maintaining the authenticity his followers expect.

Alignment between Personal Branding and Collaborations

Balancing your personal brand with the collaborations you accept is another crucial aspect. Here are some tips to make them coexist without getting in the way of each other

  1. Compatibility among Sectors: If you have launched your new sports watch brand and you are offered to be the face of a luxury watch like Rolex, this can be compatible because they are not in direct competition; they are products for different uses and audiences.
  2. Conflicts of Interest: If you have a sports watch brand and you are offered to be the face of Garmin, a brand also known for sports watches, you might want to reconsider. Such a collaboration could confuse your audience and weaken your own brand identity..
  3. Evaluation of Collaborations: Before accepting a collaboration, evaluate whether it can complement your personal and professional brand without causing conflicts.

Maintaining a balance between your personal and business content is crucial to maintain the authenticity that has made you successful. By using examples of celebrities who have achieved this balance, and being careful about the collaborations you accept, you can ensure that your personal brand and your business grow together without conflict. At the end of the day, it’s about being true to who you are and what you stand for, both in your personal and professional life.


Also read: keys to succeed in advertising with influencers

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