Keys to succeed in advertising with influencers

We make it clear from the outset! There are no unique and written-in-stone guidelines when it comes to creating strategies with influencers. However, there are some keys that will guide and help you achieve better results with your actions. At SocialPubli, we give you some keys to succeed in advertising with influencers.

Pay attention!

1️⃣  Determine your brand’s goals.

The number one objective for brands that use influencer marketing is to reach new target customers. This makes sense, as an influencer campaign extends your reach to their followers.

However, you should be realistic about the process, as you may not always make direct sales at the beginning, since the audience will first want to learn about your brand and take their time to consider your product. This is where influencers play an important role, as they can generate reach through creative content and make millions of people aware of your brand, product, or service.

Similarly, you should think about how your influencer marketing campaign will fit into your overall marketing strategy and create measurable objectives that you can report on and track.

2️⃣ Do you know who are you trying to influence?

An effective influencer marketing strategy requires that you speak to the right people using the right tools and the right influencers.

The first step is to define who your audience will be for this specific campaign.

Developing a buyer persona is an excellent way to ensure that you understand who you are trying to reach. You may be trying to reach more of your current audience, or an entirely new audience.

Once you have decided, create a set of influencers. This will help you understand the qualities you are looking for in them.

We recommend you to read: Do you know what types of influencers exist?


3️⃣ Use tools that connect you with the influencers

If you are not an expert in working with influencer marketing, it is best to use tools that already have a database of influencers that fit your industry, values, and the creative touch you are looking for.

In the case of SocialPubli, we categorize influencers not only by the number of followers, but also by the industry, geographic location, content, etc. This makes it easier for brands to choose the right ones when launching their campaigns.

In addition, to be completely sure that these are the ideal influencers, there are tools like Analyzer that help you examine all the information you want about an influencer and verify it. This way, you can rest assured that you will work with real influencers.

4️⃣ Three qualities to look for in an influencer

✅ Relevance

A relevant influencer shares valuable content for your business and industry. They need to have an audience that aligns with your target audience. Otherwise, your campaigns will not go well and the results will not be as expected.

✅ Reach

Reach is the number of people you could potentially reach through the influencer’s follower base. Remember: a small audience can be effective, but you need to make sure there are enough followers to align with your goals. Also, keep in mind that the number of followers is not always the most important factor. Focus on the quality of followers and how interactive the influencer’s account is. At SocialPubli, we believe in the power of micro-influencers and the impact they have on their small communities.

✅ Resonance

This is the potential level of interaction that the influencer can create with an audience relevant to your brand.

Not to insist on the matter, but bigger is not always better. As we mentioned before, a large number of followers doesn’t make sense if those followers are not interested in your offer. On the other hand, niche influencers can have very dedicated and engaged followers.

5️⃣ Collaborate with the influencer to develop effettive content

You set the guidelines, and the influencer brings their creativity! Keep in mind that a social media influencer who has worked hard to build a following won’t accept a deal that makes their own personal brand appear inconsistent.

After all, influencers are content creators. That’s why they prefer to be called creators. You’ll get the best value from their work by allowing them to showcase those skills.

Of course, it’s a good idea to provide some guidelines on what you’re looking for. But don’t expect to micromanage the entire campaign.

6️⃣ Always measure your results

It can be tempting to focus on vanity metrics like likes and comments when launching your influencer campaign. If your influencer has many more followers than you, you may feel a little dazzled by the large number of likes they may have.

But to measure the effectiveness of a campaign, you must understand its value in terms of return on investment. Fortunately, there are many ways to measure the success of your campaign, and in the case of SocialPubli, brands can monitor metrics from the same platform.

Have a look to these 5 best practices between brand and influencers 👇

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