marketing instagram 2018

How to Do Marketing on Instagram in 2018

Instagram reigned in 2017, bringing in more than 800,000 active users every month. With this audience size and its visual impact, it’s to be expected that brands will want their campaigns to be present on Instagram. With the continual updates  coming out, the recommended marketing practices continue to change and evolve. Just because something worked in 2017 doesn’t mean it will work in 2018. So, we’ve selected the trends for 2018 that you’ll need to use in order for your Instagram marketing campaigns to be successful.


Organic visibility

Instagram marketing is visual. If your brand is fashion or lifestyle, you’re in luck, although not every industry is so attractive visually. Before starting any strategy or campaign, take time to stop and think. Investigate what others are doing, add this knowledge to your goals, and then establish a plan. Never stop measuring and trying new things in your plan, because that’s what will make a difference.

Unlike Facebook and its “anti-brand” algorithm, if you follow something on Instagram, it will be displayed. Unless you stop sliding the screen. And that is the biggest problem for 2018. There are too many publications that end up exhausting their followers. Each account is different, so you need to keep close track of the number of posts and their success.

One solution is stories. First of all, if you have a new publication, you can communicate it in a story so it will go through your profile. Depending on the number of followers, you can also add links in your stories, converting them into a powerful tool, since the only other place where you can leave a link is in the bio on your profile.

You can also use your surveys to do informal market studies. 

And finally, because of their ephemeral nature (although you can save them in your profile), stories allow you to communicate more personally and be more open. These stories vanish in 24 hours, which is an added attraction because people will need to follow you more actively.


Paid visibility

2018 is going to become a fight for organic reach. If you see that your reach is limited, you can try paid Ads to expand your community.

Another option is to use to micro-influencers. They can amplify your message and vision with new audiences who have similar tastes. In addition to their credibility, they differ from other “top” influencers in their rate of interaction. The engagement rate for an influencer with fewer than 1,000 followers is around 8%, compared with 2% for people with thousands of followers.  This difference can also be seen in the ROI.

Each brand is a world unto itself, so if you have any questions on how to take full advantage of Instagram’s potential, we will be pleased to provide you with personalized advice.

Instagram is waiting for you!

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