Have you already used Instagram Tv in horizontal format?

Coinciding with IGTV’s first birthday, Instagram decides to include the horizontal format on its video platform.

Its differential value, which made IGTV stand out from its competitors, was vertical videos. However, there were more and more cases of users uploading content horizontally. As a result, they forced their followers to turn the screen. IG has listened to both content creators and users and has decided to opt for the more traditional video format, the horizontal one. This update is a solution to what was demanded from the community.

What is IGTV?

IGTV is Instagram’s video tool launched in June 2018 and has its own app. It was created as an alternative to the two short video formats that could be uploaded so far on the social network. The video that is posted to the profile’s own feed, which has a maximum duration of 1 min, and the stories video of 15 seconds. Its strong, as we have already told you when Instagram launched the platform, is that the videos that are uploaded are longer, reaching up to 1 h. Instagram’s most revolutionary video feature, IG stories, is the one that initially brought design style to the video platform. They were in vertical and full-screen format. Now, they are also released to the horizontal video format.

Within the platform, content creators can add links to their websites and social media profiles. However, even if it is a long way from YouTube in this regard, it opens the door to it becoming one more selling storefront for brands. Escape that many of them are already using.

How does IGTV work?

The operation of IGTV is very simple, it works very similarly to television. When the app opens, playback of the content begins. The channels, in this case, will be those of the profiles that each user follows. If you don’t have the app itself, you’ll find the channels entering the profile of each one.

In addition, in the Browse feature of Instagram, you’ll find the IGTV logo. with video suggestions can be interesting to you, depending on your interests. If you want to discover more videos, just swipe up and discover more options.

Why this change?

IGTV’s not allowing landscape formatting was a greater effort for users at the time of recording and editing. Many of them are Youtube users and were already recording horizontally. In addition, the absence of a benefit for the user, have made that in just one year Instagram rethought its format to get a greater use of the tool. We already gave you the Advantages of Instagram for companies as well. Do not miss it out!

The social network has explained the reason for the change in its blog, saying: “We know that this is an evolution since IGTV started. We believe it’s the right change for viewers and creators.” “In many ways, opening IGTV to more than just vertical videos is similar to when we open Instagram to more than just square photography, in 2015”

Do you think this change will bring Instagram closer to the expectations it had when it created IGTV? Will users become more loyal to the platform? We’ll have to give him some time. We’ll keep an eye out for the first results of the update.

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