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How to Make Your Content Go Viral on the Social Networks

When content goes viral, it creates a phenomenon with tremendous impact.  The content propagates by itself on social media and this means it reaches a much larger number of people.  The key is to create quality content which attracts the user’s attention and which leads to their interaction with the content.

When this happens, it is a triumph for the brand,-  the message is carried much further because everyone is talking about it.

There are several essential factors which help create this phenomenon.  It is important to keep these in mind and apply them to the brand’s strategy.

Visual Content

A picture is worth more than a thousand words.  When we publish content using only text, it doesn’t attract our attention as much as when it is accompanied by an image or a video.  On social networks, information is being updated every second, publishing content from other users.  By using an image, we can awaken the user’s curiosity and this invites them to take an interest in our message.

Nearby Content

You should begin with the reader, by being nearby and being real.   If the user feels he can identify with the content, this adds value.  It contributes to the user interacting with the content and bringing his own point of view or experience to the discussion.  Another important factor is that the content must be current, in addition to being nearby, fresh and having quality.

The Content Should Invite Participation

Creating content which directly invites people to participate is a great hook.  Ask a question, talk about an experience, ask directly for their opinion on a topic.  These are ways of generating  engagement because the user will want to be part of this.

Live Retransmission

Taking advantage of live video adds value in going viral.  Sharing an event or happening attracts interested users and quickly makes the content more dynamic.

The Timing for Publication

Timing of your publication is very important.  Each community has its own public.  It is the job of the community manager to say up to date on what are the best times to share content, studying when during the day the most engagement is generated and when they can capture the most number of users.

We can also use influencers.  And motivate the employees of the company and related users of the brand to make the content more dynamic.  The more number of interactions, the better for the brand and its visualization.

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