redes sociales

Your Personal vs. Professional Social Media Networks

What began as a tool for personal use has quickly become an essential strategy for brands and corporations.  So much so that job openings have began to appear to professionalize its use.

We’re talking about social networks, and we can’t remember what it was like to live without them. We use them all the time now, both for work and in our personal lives.

It’s important to keep them separate when we’re using use them however, so we don’t end up being the protagonists in a major example of putting our foot in our mouth.   So, pay attention:

Make Sure You Are on the Correct Social Network

If you have professional networks on your device, make sure you know which account you’re connected to when you leave the office.  We’ve already seen cases where something was published on a corporate profile, which was really meant for your private profile.  This can easily end up going viral, depending on how bad the mistake was.


Don’t forget that when you’re on your professional profile, these publications are not going to your friends. So be careful with the tone that you use and also with the images.  It’s always important to know which audience you’re talking to.

 Who to Follow and Who To Add

You should differentiate your preferences on your personal and professional networks.  In other words, on your professional profile, don’t follow users who you find interesting if they have nothing in common with your brand’s sector.

Be Careful With “Likes”

Just as in the previous recommendation, don’t forget that you are using your company’s profile when you hit “like”, or when you comment on something which someone else published.  And, of course, the same is true in the case of retweeting and/or sharing.

It is important to keep in mind that friends and followers can see your reactions to other publications.

Registering in Apps

Today you can register on pages and applications using your social media accounts.  Pay attention to which social network you are connected to when you register.  You don’t want to use your company’s Twitter account to open an account in applications of a personal nature, such as apps for contacts, for example.

These are just a few small tips so that you don’t lose control over what you publish and where you do it.  Nobody can escape the power of social media. And no matter how much you erase, you never know who might be watching.  And in these cases, what happens on social media, stays on the internet.

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